A Spotlight on Podman

Containerization is more than just the way forward. It is now the norm rather than the exception; all new apps are designed to leverage cloud-native features, with microservices running in containers. Containerization has enabled applications to run with immense efficiency and scalability, but the use of containers is not without its challenges.

Until very recently, the most prominent container engine was Docker. Even those running Kubernetes still rely on Docker containers as a way to orchestrate their applications. Today, however, Docker has a serious contender: Podman. Unlike Docker, which relies on daemons, Podman runs directly using runC runtime containers.

10 Steps to Optimizing DevOps and Security

Failure to implement sufficient information security measures in today’s world could lead to severe consequences. Information security needs to be an inseparable part of the continuous delivery pipeline, which is why the concept of DevSecOps has become more and more popular.

DevOps may offer a way to remain agile and operate at immense efficiency, but that heightened efficiency should never come at the cost of security. To optimize DevOps and security as an integrated part of the pipeline, here are the 10 steps you can take.

Benefits of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Usage

Many developers will say that DevOps is the way forward (we’ve even said it ourselves many times), and there are good reasons for that. DevOps offers a singularly transformative approach to building great apps and services while being capable of eliminating technical debt (eventually) as well as the usual delays and long project durations of the conventional development pipeline.

With DevOps, the development lifecycle of an app can be shortened considerably. Adding automation and quality control into the processes within the DevOps workflow as well as further optimizations through continuous integration and continuous delivery, or CI/CD, can considerably shorten the time it takes to innovate, test, and deploy new apps or features. In fact, some of the benefits of using CI/CD are too good to miss.