Make Database Queries With Real-Time Chat

We had the opportunity to meet with Adrien Schmidt, CEO and Co-founder of during the IT Press Tour in San Francisco. Adrien started building Aristotle, with Natural Language Processing (NLP) for analytics, in 2017, to make data and insights available for people on the frontline of an organization given their need for speed and data at the edge of the organization (e.g. a CSR on the phone with a customer or an airline ticket agent at the airport with a passenger).

You may also like:  5 Reasons Why Your Chatbot Needs Natural Language Processing

People are the edge want an answer to their question — a number, a growth rate, not a graph. You need the answer to your question to make data worthwhile. Adrien does not want users to have to interpret results since they just want an answer to their question.

Valohai Brings AI to GitHub


We had the opportunity to meet with Eero Laaksonen, CEO of as part of the IT Press Tour in San Francisco. Valoh is the Finnish word for lantern shark, a deep-dwelling, self-illuminating fish.

Eero believes automation is key to improving quality of life and that deep learning makes things that are not scalable today, scalable like looking at medical images and autonomous cars. Valohai strives to push all industries forward with the ability to do meaningful things faster.

API Management Executive Insights

API Management

We are now living in an API-first world. To gather insights on the current and future state of API management, I asked IT professionals from 18 companies to share their thoughts.

DevSecOps Executive Insights

Here's how the industry feels about DevSecOps.

To understand the current and future state of DevSecOps, I gathered insights from 29 IT professionals in 27 companies. Here’s who shared their thoughts:

You may also enjoy:  Attributes of a Positive DevSecOps Culture

Here’s what they told me:

Advice for Threat Hunting

Threat... hunted.

We had the opportunity to speak to Greg Bell, CEO,  Brian Dye, CPO, and Alan Saldich, CMO of Corelight during the IT Press Tour in San Francisco. Corelight is the enterprise offering of Zeek (formerly Bro) initially developed to protect the severe environment of the Department of Energy and the Energy Sciences Network including the NERSC supercomputing facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Want to see where threat hunting fits in with the broader security landscape? Check out The Future of Security, Part One.

The threat hunting workflow includes: