How Grafana 10 Makes Observability Easier for Developers

Gaining insights into what your app is doing in production is a key requirement for modern dev teams. The days of platform and operations teams doing all the troubleshooting are long gone. 

Whether you’re trying to understand user behavior or fix things that broke under load, you need to get to the bottom of things fast. That leads you into the world of logs, traces, and metrics, aka the Holy Trinity of Observability.

Conversational Queries With Analytic Databases

I recently had the opportunity to interview Nima Negahban, co-founder and CEO of Kinetica, leading up to the release of their new offering — the first analytics database to integrate with ChatGPT. I learned a lot about how generative AI is opening data to everyone in the enterprise.

The world of analytics has drastically changed over the past few years, and with it, the technology used to create and transform information into actionable insights. One such technological advancement is conversational query languages, which allow IT professionals like yourself to quickly obtain results from an analytic database without having to learn complicated coding syntax — a daunting task for even the most experienced developers. In this blog post, we'll explore what conversational queries are, their benefits and advantages compared to traditional SQL commands, and how they can help improve your data analysis capabilities.

Redefining the Boundaries of People, Process, and Platforms

Day two of Dynatrace Perform began with a great discussion between Kelsey Hightower, Distinguished Developer Advocate at Google Cloud Platform and Andi Grabner, DevOps Evangelist at Dynatrace. The theme of their discussion was redefining the boundaries of people, processes and platforms. 

Kelsey began the discussion by explaining that his career took off when he began focusing on the fundaments. When he sees something new, he takes a step back and thinks about the first time humans were involved in something like this.

High-Performance Analytics for the Data Lakehouse

CelerDataa unified analytics platform for the modern, real-time enterprise, has announced the latest version of its enterprise analytics platform.

“The data lakehouse has added critical capabilities to the data lake architecture by introducing ACID control, table formats, and data governance,” said James Li, CEO, CelerData. “However, analytics capabilities on the lakehouse are still limited and cost prohibitive. Most query engines struggle to support interactive ad-hoc queries, are not able to support real-time analytics, and fall apart when facing a large number of concurrent users.”

The Evolution of Development and Coding

I had the opportunity to catch up with Andi Grabner, DevOps Activist at Dynatrace during day two of Dynatrace Perform. I've know Andi for seven years and he's one of the people that has helped me understand DevOps since I began writing for DZone.

We covered several topics that I'll share in a series of articles.

Dynatrace Perform: Day One

I attended Dynatrace Perform 2023. This was my sixth “Perform User Conference,” but the first over the last three years.

Rick McConnell, CEO of Dynatrace, kicked off the event by sharing his thoughts on the company’s momentum and vision. The company is focused on adding value to the IT ecosystem and the cloud environment.

Dynatrace Perform: Day Two

The second day of Dynatrace Perform kicked off with a great discussion between Kelsey Hightower, distinguished developer advocate at Google Cloud Platform, and Andi Grabner, DevOps evangelist at Dynatrace. The theme of their discussion was redefining the boundaries of people, processes, and platforms. There were so many great insights in this discussion; I will cover it in much greater detail in a separate article. 

My key takeaways from their discussion:

Usage Metering and Usage-Based Billing for the Cloud

The 48th IT Press Tour had the opportunity to meet with Puneet Gupta, CEO and Founder of Amberflo. Puneet had the opportunity to work at Amazon as they built out their metering service that serves as the foundation for more than 200 services today. Today, AWS cloud metering is processing two billion events per second with one metering platform.

Puneet's vision is to transition the world to a more fair and transparent business model in the form of usage-based pricing. He highlighted the evolution from owned software like SAP from 1980 to 2000 to subscriptions like Dropbox and Salesforce from 2000 to 2010 to the usage-based software like AWS, Stripe, and Snowflake today. He believes the next wave of software will be powered by usage-based pricing.

Securing VMs, Hosts, Kubernetes, and Cloud Services

The 48th IT Press Tour had the opportunity to meet with Suresh Vasudevan, CEO of Sysdig. Their mission is to accelerate and secure cloud innovation.

Falco is the open-source standard for cloud-native threat detection. It monitors system events coming from the kernel and supports hosts, containers, and Fargate. Workload security solutions built on Falco include Microsoft Defender for Cloud, StackRox, Sumo Logic, Giant Swarm, and several others.

Development Platform for Data Protection

The 48th IT Press Tour had the opportunity to attend a private screen event with HYCU, where Simon Taylor, CEO, and Founder, introduced their solution to securing SaaS applications and data. HYCU exists to eliminate data silos and provide end-to-end data protection.

Data Silos Are Exploding

The number of silos is growing daily. There are now more than 17,000 SaaS vendors in the U.S. alone. SaaS applications make up 70% of total company software use. The average company uses 217 SaaS services. 

The Future of Cloud Engineering Evolves

The 48th IT Press Tour had the opportunity to meet with Joe Duffy, founder, and CEO of the Pulumi cloud engineering platform. Their mission is to democratize the cloud as the modern cloud changes everything, and yet little has changed when it comes to working with the cloud. Joe and his co-founder, Eric Rudder, were both at Microsoft. Joe ran Microsoft's Developer Tools and Platform strategy while Eric was an EVP and Chief Technical Strategy Officer.

Challenges of the Modern Cloud

Developers treat the cloud as an afterthought, while infrastructure teams struggle with solutions that do not scale. According to a recent CNCF survey, 50% of developers wait up to one month to get infrastructure access, and security continues to be an afterthought resulting in insecure code and applications.

Distributed Stateful Edge Platforms

The 48th IT Press Tour had the opportunity to meet with Partha Seetala, President of Cloud Business Unit, Rakuten Symphony. I had met with Partha several times previously as the founder and CEO of Rakuten Symphony acquired Robin in April 2022.

Why Distributed Stateful Edge?

It's becoming more important for computing and apps to run closer to where the data is being produced. If data is not filtered, processed, and acted on closest to where it is generated, it results in a poor user experience, costs to transfer data over the network, and poor end-to-end performance.

AIOps Being Powered by Robotic Data Automation

The 48th IT Press Tour had the opportunity to meet with the management team at CloudFabrix. This is the team's fourth startup, with the previous three being sold to Cisco. They are doing a lot of interesting things automating operations.

Multi-Cloud Challenges

Multi-cloud challenges continue, as 73% of enterprises use two or more clouds. This is projected to be 81% by 2024. Drivers of this trend include vendor lock-in, the desire to control costs, acquisitions, vertical expertise, growth of edge computing, and IT and OT convergence. Challenges include tool sprawl, observability and AIOps, differing APIs in infrastructure and cloud services, and different data formats.

Monoliths to Microservices: Untangling Your Spaghetti

I had the opportunity to meet with Bob Quillen, Chief Ecosystem Officer at vFunction. Bob presented in the Source Lounge in the Developer Hub at JavaOne.
The premise of Bob's presentation is to use AI and automation to refactor monolithic apps into microservices faster, easier, and with less risk.

The Pain

Engineering velocity has slowed. Monolithic applications are hindering innovation due to compounding technical debt.  The points of pain include:
  • Long test cycles 
  • Inability to meet business requirements
  • Difficult to ramp up developers
  • Poor customer and user experience
Technical debt has a people effect as well. Developers don't want to work on legacy code, they want to work on greenfield projects. Another pain is that engineering velocity has slowed. Monolithic applications do not scale and have zero elasticity. This results in out-of-control costs, downtime, and poor user experience. 

Microservices are more cost-efficient than monolithic applications. Microservices take advantage of cloud on-demand services like serverless. They also scale. The goal is to break monolithic applications into pieces. Modularize the components into containers. Doing this enables you to see how the code interoperates with each other. Seeing how things connect is a key architecture issue.

Migration to Modernization Strategy

The four stages of a migration to a modernization strategy are:

JavaOne 2022: Java Continues to Evolve

I met with Georges Saab, Senior Vice President, Java Platform Group, Oracle Chair, OpenJDK Governing Board following his keynote at JavaOne. This was the first JavaOne conference since 2017 and was held in conjunction with Oracle Cloud World.

Java has been around for 27 years. It continues to be an important language for enterprises and developers. It's the preferred language for technology trends in development and organizational use. There are 60 billion active JVMs and 38 billion cloud-based JVMs.