Build Live Video Mobile Apps With Flutter

Many cameras can stream video using Motion JPEG. This is a stream of JPEG images that can be displayed in sequence to form a video. Many IP cameras use a GET HTTP request to an IP address. The camera I am using in this example is a RICOH THETA 360° camera that requires a POST command. More information on how this particular camera handles MotionJPEG is available in the community. Regardless of whether you use an HTTP GET or a POST request to start the motionJPEG stream, the processing is the same.

Motion JPEG Resolution and Framerate

Motion JPEG sends a stream of JPEG images at a specified resolution and framerate. Changing the resolution and framerate affects both the data transmission requirements and the latency.

Flutter 2.0 State Management Introduction With Provider 5.0

With Flutter 2.0, you can build apps on mobile, web and desktop.  Graphics performance is fantastic and the development tools are great. The main barrier to learning Flutter is an understanding of state management.  This tutorial covers the Provider package, one of the most popular and easiest tools to manage state in Flutter.

A video version of this tutorial is available. Code and image files are on GitHub. 

Build Great Windows Desktop Apps With Flutter

Let's build Windows desktop apps with Flutter and Dart.  This example shows how to use Flutter to connect a Windows kiosk or laptop to an external camera with WiFi then transfer and display the images.  I'm using a RICOH THETA Z1 camera to test the application which displays and navigates  23MP images. The 8MB graphic files are a nice test for the Flutter rendering engine on Windows.   

GitHub code repo and additional information is available from this post in the RICOH THETA Developer Community forum

6 Tips for Effective Use of Node on Android Devices

You can run JavaScript Node applications directly on your Android phone, AVD, or embedded IoT device. I'll show you six tips to use the open source project, Termux, to effectively prototype Node applications on Android.

Choosing Android for the OS of your IoT device allows millions of mobile developers to quickly access your platform. However, choosing a good platform is not enough.  You need to make it super easy for many types of developers to bring their creative ideas to the prototype stage.

Tips for Beginning Backend Web Developers to Advance Quickly

U + Django = <3

It’s easy to learn to build scalable interactive web sites if you choose a simple learning path. I recommend you start with Python and Django instead of JavaScript and Mongo, Express, Angular (or React, Vue) and Node (MEAN) stack.

I've observed the success and failure to approaches that thousands of developers took to access a REST-like API in the RICOH THETA developer community. I saw problems students encountered in workshops and one-on-one training. Novice backend developers finish more projects when they use Python. To get people started quickly, I developed a free video course on YouTube, The Beginner Django Tutorial.

Six Python Tips for Beginners

Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. The syntax is close to English. Beginners generally encounter only a few surprises, such as forced indentation and the use of  self in methods.

At some point, everyone starts reading, copying, and editing other people’s code. That’s where the confusion starts.