Why Your Database Needs a Machine Learning Brain

The past 10-15 years have seen organizations put vast resources into creating databases that let them understand their business better, spot trends earlier, and manage tasks more effectively.

Indeed, a whole industry has now grown up around it, not just with database companies like Clickhouse, DataStax, MariaDB, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SingleStore, or Snowflake, but with a swathe of companies developing business intelligence (BI) tools like Tableau to give insight from the data housed in them.

Self-Service Machine Learning With Intelligent Databases

How to Become an Insight-Driven Organization

To become an insight-driven organization (IDO), first and foremost, you need data and the tools to manipulate and analyze it. Another essential component is the people (i.e., data analysts or data scientists) with appropriate experience. Last but not least, you need to find a way to implement insight-driven decision-making processes across your company.

The technology that lets you make the most out of your data is Machine Learning. The ML flow starts by using your data to train the predictive model. Later, it answers your data-related questions. The most effective technology for Machine Learning is Artificial Neural Networks. Their design is influenced by our current understanding of how the human brain works. Given the great computing resources people currently have, it can lead to incredible models trained with a lot of data.