Design vs. Coding

I was thinking that one way that a coding team could work would be that coders would be rotated through several roles. This would prevent people from getting too comfortable towards the goal of preventing problem areas (code quality wise) from developing in the department.

  • Architecture
  • Production Coding
  • Documentation
  • Quality Control

Splitting off architecture as a role will help, I hope to clarifty role-wise for a coder when they are expected to have input on process, vs. when I'd be happier if they were actively attempting to hit a metric and fulfill a specification.

Problem Returning MySQL Stored Procedure results using Python

Hey Gang!

OK today I am having trouble with my transaction processing application implemented in python/MySQL. Here is some "working" testing code.

import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import Error
import binascii
from binascii import unhexlify
import mysql.connector as mysql

sql='''CREATE PROCEDURE testprocedure(OUT tacos INT)

 show tables;
 SET tacos := 1 ;

blank_connection_string = {
                'user': 'someusername',
                'password': 'daniwebisthebest',
                'host': 'localhost',
                'database': 'fundatabase',
                'raise_on_warnings': True }

connection=mysql.connect(**blank_connection_string, autocommit=True)


cursor.callproc("testprocedure", (0, ) )
for r in cursor.stored_results():
        for result in results:

cursor.execute("drop procedure testprocedure")

cursor.close( )

So it works in that everything that I can fit into a stored procedure certainly executes. But I'm getting nonsense as far as returning the variable "tacos" into any format that python can access. To wit, here is what I'm getting for script output:

MySQLCursorBuffered: (a result of CALL testprocedure(@_testpr..
[('sometable1',), ('funtablename',), ('othertable',)]

In other words it seems to be doing a pretty solid job of returning the results that I DON'T need sent back to me, but is not returning the result of the actual SP that I need.

How do I resolve this?

mysql base64 decoding?

Hey! I've been asked to store some data from a client in mysql in an encoded format using python. Nothing could be easier, right?

I will later need to decode the same data using mysql exclusively. Given that constraint, I thought that base64 would be the go to since nearly every contemporary data tool that we've heard of is base64-literate.

So from flatfile it goes into the db using python no problem.

When I try to decode the data for warehousing later, the mysql from_base64() function returns a hexadecimal string instead of....ascii string? Or whatever. Human readable string.

I've found various hacks online that...should work? But I want to code this as correctly as possible because portability is so important, and it's tough to remember whatever hack you used to get it running five years ago. I'm convinced I'm doing it wrong.

Is there a better way to python-encode data that's consistently reversible using mysql for processing?

Thanks in advance!

Assigning “Usage” DB Permissions, Postgres

More programming fun!

OK this time around I'm trying to create a table with the statement,

CREATE TABLE tablename ( recnumber SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY, recordvalues VARCHAR ( 500 ) NOT NULL, datecreated DATE )

And it basically works, and I can add records using the dba account. However when I try to add records using the application db account I get the error,

permission denied for sequence _seq

A search engine claims that I need to assign "Usage" permissions, but this is turning into a rabbit hole of then needing to assign 'Usage' rights specific to something called a 'sequence.' But I feel like that will only be a dead end.

Am I better off granting . privs to the application service account? Or perhaps just running the application using the dba account? Or maybe I should switch back to Mysql?

It seems like with postgres there are a lot of hoops to jump through but that the nuances are reducing than adding to the flexibility of what I'm able to configure as a DBA. This is not a rant post and I am quite happy to switch back to Mysql if that's what everyone else is doing. No point in using Postgres if it's a step backwards.

Thanks in advance!

As a coder how do you know when to split a source segment off into a lib?

I'm working on an application, certainly not my first. Some aspects of my coding background are quite informal, for example I have only a rudimentary understanding of source code repositories.

Take library formation, for example? I'm reasonably proud that my source is of sufficient quality and organization to pass an audit - no spaghetti code here. But I'm relatively unprincipled when it comes to breaking source out into smaller files.

How are you as coders able to discipline yourself to do this? What criterion do you use to split things out? What goes and what stays?

create a database-specific table in postgres?

How do I create a table in postgres that's associated with a specific database?

Obviously from the command line one can do

Create table tablename ();

But how do I make sure that the table is associated with the correct database?

CREATE table dbname.tablename();

is giving me the error:

ERROR:  schema "dbname" does not exist