A Look at Intelligent Document Processing and E-Invoicing

In the "bygone era," invoices were traditionally dispatched in paper format and painstakingly transcribed into the recipient's ERP system facilitating subsequent data processing. As indicated by Brendan Foley, among others, a significant proportion—around 80 to 90 percent—of data from documents like invoices and emails continues to be manually extracted (2019). However, there has been a notable shift in recent years towards the exclusively digital transmission of documents such as business invoices, accompanied by automated data extraction processes. 

Why should a company (or its managers) embrace this shift? The rationale is clear: to conserve resources (e.g., reducing paper usage) and streamline workflow efficiency (e.g., eliminating manual data entry).

Emulating the History Command Within a Bash Script

In the world of Unix-like operating systems, the command line is a powerful and efficient way to interact with your computer. Over time, as you work with your system, you might wonder: "How can I use a kind of history command to recall past commands within the interactivity of a bash script?" 

I am seeking a script that offers a consistent interactive environment, enabling me as a user to navigate through and execute previous commands seamlessly using arrow keys. The desired functionality involves the ability to scroll through a history of commands on the same input line, similar to the experience in the Bash shell.

Creating Customized and Bootable Disk Images of Host Systems

In the realm of Linux and operating systems, disk imaging plays a vital role in various scenarios. Disk images, also known as ISOs, are essentially digital replicas of physical media such as CDs, DVDs, or hard drives. They serve as a convenient means to store and distribute entire file systems, preserving their integrity and structure. One powerful tool available in the Linux world for creating disk images is mkisofs. Developed by Eric Youngdale, mkisofs stands for "make ISO filesystem" and is commonly used to generate ISO-9660 file systems, which are the standard format for disk images. 

What Is mkisofs?

Now, let's dive into how you can utilize mkisofs to create disk images on Linux. Before getting started, let us take a closer look at what mkisofs is and how to install the tool on your system. 

Change Keyboad Bindings (Shortcuts) In the Virtual Console

The virtual console, also known as the terminal or command line interface, is a powerful tool in Linux for performing various tasks and executing commands. One aspect of customization that can greatly enhance your productivity is modifying the keyboard bindings in the virtual console. This article will guide you through the process of changing keyboard bindings to suit your preferences and streamline your workflow. 

Before diving into customizing keyboard bindings, it's important to familiarize yourself with the virtual console. The virtual console provides a text-based interface for interacting with the operating system. It allows you to execute commands, manage files, and perform system configurations without the need for a graphical user interface. 

Resolve Encoding Issues of Resource Files in Java Projects

In Java projects, resource files play a crucial role in storing and managing application data, such as localization strings, configuration settings, and other static content. However, working with resource files can sometimes lead to encoding issues, which can cause problems with text display and processing.  

In the first place, let us take a look at the definition of encoding. It refers to the process of representing characters in a specific format using bytes. Java uses Unicode as its character set, which supports a wide range of characters from various languages and scripts. 

Commonly Occurring Errors in Microsoft Graph Integrations and How To Troubleshoot Them (Part 5)

Microsoft Graph is a powerful tool that allows developers to access various Microsoft services, including OneDrive, SharePoint, Outlook, and more. One feature of Microsoft Graph that is particularly useful for productivity is the ability to read attachment content of To-Do task and event attachments. This allows users to access important information and files directly from their To-Do tasks and events, without having to switch between different applications. 

If you haven’t read the first parts of this series, here they are:

Commonly Occurring Errors in Microsoft Graph Integrations and How to Troubleshoot Them (Part 2)

Due to the switch from EWS to MS Graph, various companies have to adapt their digital products. In the first article, I have already covered a few issues you may face during such a transition to the Microsoft Graph REST API v1.0 with the MS Graph Java SDK. So, let's dive right into the following use cases. 

Read All Available Rooms and Room Lists of the Company (Getting Multiple Room Lists Is Not Possible)

In many companies, rooms can be booked automatically when an Outlook appointment is created. This is possible because all rooms are assigned to an email address by the administration. By adding the email address of the resource to the attendees of the event, a booking process is automatically triggered, which checks if the room is available or not. There is also the option to create room lists, which also have their own email address. For this reason, we can start the availability check for multiple rooms at the same time. For instance, a room list can stand for a building.
In case your business app has to get all rooms or room lists for a tenant. With the Microsoft Graph REST API v1.0, this can be done by using the Places API. The following example shows how to create a GET request in Java to read all rooms of a tenant (HTTP: GET /places/microsoft.graph.room):

Commonly Occurring Errors in Microsoft Graph Integrations and How to Troubleshoot Them (Part 1)

With the release of Exchange Server in 2007, Microsoft also introduced Exchange Web Services (EWS). These SOAP-based APIs allow developers to access Microsoft Exchange products such as calendars, contacts, etc. over the internet. As part of the Office 365 product launch, Microsoft also released the new REST-based Office 365 Unified APIs, later known as the MS Graph APIs, in 2015. Microsoft announced in 2018 that there would be no more active development for the EWS APIs. The Exchange Web Services no longer meet today's security and maintenance requirements. For this reason, the various EWS APIs will be gradually shut down from 2022 on and replaced by the MS Graph APIs. An overview of services already accessible via the MS Graph APIs can be found in the current documentation from Microsoft. Due to the switch to MS Graph, various companies have to adapt their digital products. 

In this article series, we will discuss some of the lessons learned during such a transition to Microsoft Graph REST API v1.0 with the MS Graph Java SDK.