GBase 8a Implementation Guide: Resource Assessment

1. Disk Storage Space Evaluation

The storage space requirements for a GBase cluster are calculated based on the data volume of the business system, the choice of compression algorithm, and the number of cluster replicas. The data volume of a business system usually includes the following aspects:

  • Historical data volume
  • Incremental data volume and the size of each increment
  • Data storage period and total data volume for the entire period
  • Data growth rate and reserved storage space


Considering the above aspects, assume that the total data volume for the entire period of a certain business system is 30TB. The calculation method for the physical disk capacity of the GBase cluster is as follows:

MySQL to GBase 8C Migration Guide

This article provides a quick guide for migrating application systems based on MySQL databases to GBase databases (GBase 8c). For detailed information about specific aspects of both databases, readers can refer to the MySQL official documentation and the GBase 8c user manual. Due to the extensive content involved in the basic mapping of MySQL data types and other aspects of the migration process, this will not be covered in detail in this article. If interested, please leave a comment, and we can discuss it next time.

1. Creating a Database

In both MySQL and GBase 8c, the CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database. The specific syntax differences are as follows: