On Page SEO Techniques for WordPress: 15+ Do’s and Don’ts You Must Know

On page SEO techniques … I think this is the part where I tell you that “content is king” and if you create “high-quality content,” Google is going to love you and magically rocket your site to the top of the rankings without any additional effort on your part. Unfortunately, in the real world, creating great content alone isn’t a ticket to the top of the SERPs – you also need to optimize that content using on page SEO techniques that you’re going to learn in this post.

5 Best High-Traffic WordPress Hosting Providers 🏎️🏎️🏎️🔥

If you’re looking for high-traffic WordPress hosting, your focus is obviously going to be a lot different than someone looking for cheap entry-level WordPress hosting. Price becomes less of a factor, with performance and reliability taking center stage. To help you find the best hosting for your high-traffic WordPress site, we’ve collected five great hosts that are used by real-life high-traffic sites.

How Much Does a VPN Cost? And Are VPNs Safe?

How much does a VPN cost, and is it safe to use a VPN? Those are the two key questions we’re going to answer in this article. By the end, you should understand what makes a VPN safe, as well as how much you should expect to pay for a quality VPN service. We’ll also leave you with some specific service recommendations to get you started.

Data Visualization in WordPress: How to Do It (With Examples, Plugins and Tools)

Using data visualization in WordPress is a great way to enhance your regular text content and better communicate data and concepts with your readers. While “data visualization” sounds fancy, it’s really just a term for graphically presenting information or data to make it easier for readers to understand ideas, trends, or patterns. That last part is the most important – it’s not just dumping data on visitors. Instead, it’s using data to tell a story in a visual manner.

How To Organize Your WordPress Media Library

Remember back when you first started your WordPress site? Everything was so fresh and uncluttered. But as you started writing posts and pages, you probably began noticing just how quickly clutter can start piling up. One of the biggest clutter […]