Handling File Uploads With NestJS and MySQL

Many developers despise dealing with file uploads. This can be attributed to a lack of knowledge about the best approach to take or difficulties determining how to configure their NestJS application to handle file uploads. Many people may want to save their files directly to a MySQL database, or save image names and have the image saved on disk storage: it all depends on their preferences and the goals they want to achieve. This tutorial will teach you how to build a file uploading functionality using NestJS and MySQL.


Before you begin following this tutorial, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

How to Build a Full-stack App With Next.js, Prisma, Postgres, and Fastify

In this article, we’ll learn how to build a Full-stack application using Next.js, Prisma, Postgres, and Fastify. We will build an attendance management demo application that manages employees’ attendance. The flow of the app is simple: an administrative user logs in, creates an attendance sheet for the day, then every employee signs in and out of the attendance sheet.

What Is Next.js?

Next.js is a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks to create fast web applications. It is often called the full-stack React framework as it makes it possible to have both frontend and backend applications on the same codebase doing so with serverless functions.

What Is Prisma?

Prisma is an open-source, Node.js and Typescript ORM that drastically simplifies data modeling, migrations, and data access for SQL databases. At the time of writing this article, Prisma supports the following database management systems: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, AWS Aurora, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL, and MongoDB. You might also want to click here to see the list of all supported database management systems.

Building an E-Commerce API Using Nestjs, SQLite, and TypeORM


Nestjs is a cutting-edge Node.js framework for developing server-side applications that are efficient, dependable, and scalable. It is simple to integrate with NoSQL and SQL databases such as MongoDB, Yugabyte, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, and others. It supports popular object-relational mappers such as TypeORM Sequelize and Mongoose.

In this tutorial, we'll create an e-commerce application with SQLite and TypeORM. We'll also look at Arctype, a powerful SQL client and database management tool.

Building Offline-First Apps With Node.js and SQLite

"Offline first" is an application development paradigm in which developers ensure that an app's functionality is unaffected by a temporary loss of network connectivity. Progressive web applications, which feel like native applications but run like web applications, are often built on this paradigm.

This tutorial will teach you how to build an offline-first application with Node.js and a SQLite database. Let's start with an introduction to progressive web apps.

Introduction to PWA

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps that use service workers, manifests, and other web-platform features and progressive enhancement to provide users with an experience comparable to native apps.

How to Manage Sessions in Node.js Using Passport, Redis, and MySQL

HTTP and HTTPS are internet protocols that allow data to be sent over the internet by sending a request via a web browser. Because they are stateless, each request sent to the browser is treated independently. This means that the browser cannot remember the source of a request, even if the same user makes it. HTTP sessions solve this problem.

This article will look at session management and how tools like Passport, Redis, and MySQL can help us manage Node.js sessions. Let's dive in.

Building Two-Factor Authentication With NestJS and Postgres


Cybercrime and hostile operations against public and private entities have become more prevalent in recent years. This rise in risk explains why many software companies are adding an extra layer of security to their customers' accounts.

2FA is an extra layer of security that confirms that the person seeking to get into an online account is who they say they are. A user's username and password must be entered first. They will then be asked to provide additional details before being granted access. This approach will protect a compromised account from fraudulent activities. Even if a hacker discovers the user's password, they will not be able to login into the account because they lack the second-factor authentication ( 2FA) code.