Why Mobile Compatibility Testing Is Crucial for Your Applications

Compatibility is the capacity to exist together. As a real-life example, water is not compatible with oil, but milk is. The same thing happens with software or apps that we build.

Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing is a crucial QA task which guarantees that the software or product that is being tested is compatible, as desired over a broad set of client frameworks and configurations.

The Top DevOps Testing Tools of 2019

A significant parameter of software growth and delivery is the interaction and association that takes place among operation experts and project management professionals.

And this can happen only with the help of DevOps. It is just not a software or tool; it’s an art that you can accept for consistent development. DevOps has the ability to align your operations professionals and developer experts, permitting them to work together in comfort.

The Process of ETL Testing: How it Maintains Data Integrity and Consistency

First, let's understand what is ETL. This notation stands for Extract-Transform-Load. For large-scale firms, initially, the data is extracted from the source systems and then transformed into specific data types and, ultimately, loaded into a distinct repository. And this process should be tested efficiently to make sure that the data is managed properly in the warehouse.

What Does Testing of ETL Refer To?

It is a procedure that tests the withdrawal of data for further transformation, authentication of data during the transformation stages, and loading or filling of data in the endpoint.