Redefining the Relationship Between Cloud & DevOps

According to Gartner, 88% of organizations have implemented some level of Agile in their development process. As these organizations move toward Agile, and ultimately DevOps, they undergo a fundamental change in how they architect and package applications.

But just because you improve processes at the development end of the pipeline, it doesn't mean that bottlenecks just disappear. In fact, bottlenecks tend to just move further down the pipeline, rearing their ugly heads whenever the rate at which you deploy resources conflicts with the rate at which you can test those resources.

Cloud Adoption 101: The Drivers, Barriers, and Keys to Migrating Enterprise Apps to the Cloud

DevOps has hit the C-level and it's permeating beyond approval for pilot programs. Enterprise executives are now talking about DevOps in terms of scale and ROI. With the key to accelerating large scale DevOps transformations often hinging on flexibility, the cloud has become the de facto solution for businesses to host their apps. But while the cloud offers the framework to reduce costs and consolidate workloads, there are a ton of roadblocks when it comes to migrating massive, diverse application portfolios.

During a recent webinar, Jay Yeras, Partner Solutions Architect at AWS, discussed the various drivers for migrating apps to the cloud, the barriers enterprises might face, and how they can overcome them.