Anatomy of Sequential Data Processing With Java Streams

Functional Programming History

The history of functional programming can be traced back to Lambda-calculus. It is a mathematical language invented by Alonzo in 1930. In some ways, lambda-calculus is the first programming language. Some principles of lambda calculus can be found in modern functional languages and even in Java also. The first principle is that the main object in this kind of language is functions and functions in the mathematical sense of these words. something that takes input and returns the output.

It always returns the same output if based on the same input. Hence, this property goes by the name of being stateless. In other words, the function has no memory of previous inputs.

Introduction to the Spring Boot Actuator

Learn more about the Spring Boot Actuator!

The Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features for our Spring Boot application. Additionally, this library provides all endpoints for production — without having to write a single line of code just by adding the proper dependency.

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The Spring Boot Actuator mainly exposes endpoints like health, metrics, logger, info, thread dump, and more. Let's take a closer look!

Gradle 5.6 Update: Making Groovy Compilation Faster

These new features and enhancements are totally groovy, man.

In this post, we will learn about the enhancements of about Gradle 5.6.

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1. The Exit of Leaking Authentication Data

It was found that authentication data may leak while using the Gradle build tool to resolve dependencies against the custom authenticated repository. Officials are unaware of anyone having exploited the flaw, and thus, you should definitely upgrade the version since the features causing this issue are within the codebase and hard to disable.

How to Set Up a REST Service or a Web Application in Django

Introduction to Django and REST

Django is a very versatile framework, primarily used for developing web applications, but it is also widely used in creating mobile app backends and REST APIs, among other things. Here we will take a quick look at how to make these things possible using Django.

As you all probably know, REST stands for “Representational State Transfer.” Basically, what happens is that a user (or some software agent on one end) provides some input (or performs some activity) and the result of those inputs (or activities) are sent to the server side using a protocol that allows a request to be sent to the server (in most cases a HTTP protocol is used, but it doesn't need to be HTTP, as long as it can support a request/response scheme). The server, on receiving the request, makes appropriate changes to the state of the system (hence we call it “State Transfer”).