5G Experience in an Epidemic of Market Uncertainty


“Want to see disfunction firsthand? Look no further than Telecoms...The disruption reshaping the telecommunications industry is so enormous and far-reaching that, if I ran a business school, I'd make it mandatory case study material.”

 Hans Geerdes, Head of Business Strategy at Nokia 

Positive Impact of Graph Technology and Neural Networks on Cybersecurity

Take a look into the future of cybersecurity

Breaches on the Rise

The Equifax security breach was among the worst ever in terms of the number of people affected and the type of information breached. Information such as names, SSNs, birth dates and addresses are considered the Holy Grail of personal data that allows hackers to gain access to anyone’s personal, financial, and health records.

While frequent incidents of security breaches have brought enough anxiety in corporate America, it’s the complexity of managing cybersecurity and addressing unanswered questions that really have enterprises nervous.