Building Cross-Platform Apps: A Complete Guide With .NET Core

In today's technology-driven world, developing cross-platform applications has become a necessity. With users accessing applications on various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops, it's crucial for developers to create applications that work seamlessly across different platforms. One technology that has gained significant popularity in recent years for developing cross-platform applications is .NET Core, a free, open-source, and cross-platform framework developed by Microsoft. In this article, we will explore the basics of developing cross-platform applications with .NET Core and provide some code examples to help you get started.

What Is .NET Core?

.NET Core is a modular, cross-platform framework that allows developers to build applications for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It is an open-source framework that is a part of the larger .NET ecosystem and provides a fast, scalable, and lightweight runtime for developing modern applications. .NET Core supports various application types, including web applications, cloud-based applications, microservices, and console applications. With .NET Core, you can write code in C# or any other .NET-supported language and run it on multiple platforms without the need for platform-specific modifications.

The Ultimate Guide to the Input and Output Decorator in Angular

Understanding the power of the Angular input and output decorator can be a great way to take your project development to the next level. This guide from CMARIX will show you all that you need to know about using the input and output decorators so that you can maximize their potential in your projects.

You will learn how to use these two powerful Angular tools together and understand how they work.