Leveraging DevOps Services: Development, Testing, and Delivery

Enterprise IT organizations need to continuously roll out innovative new features into their platform-as-a-service offering with just the right features to achieve faster time to market with no defects and low cost. 

DevOps is an approach that helps you achieve speed and quality by enabling collaboration between lines of business, development team, testers, and IT operations team with shared and integrated toolsets throughout development, integration, and staging phases of application delivery. To add on, DevOps today are complementing the agile methodologies, lean practices in the context of a system-oriented approach.

Optimize AWS Solution Architecture for Performance Efficiency

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers various resources and services to help you build SaaS and PaaS solutions, however, the challenge is to achieve and maintain performance efficiency that has its own important share in delivering business value. This article highlights some of the best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective cloud applications that offer performance efficiency. There are two primary areas to focus on:

  1. Select and Configure cloud resources for higher performance
  2. Review and Monitor Performance

Cloud resource

DevOps Best Practices

Traditional IT had two separate teams in any organization – the development team and the operations team. The development team works on the software, developing and releasing it after ensuring that the code works perfectly. The Operations team works on deployment, load balancing, and release management to make SaaS live. 

They check the application performance and report back any issues, if existent to the development team. These cycles went too long for companies and stimulated a need to build a team of mixed expertise of development, QA, and Operations, introducing the phenomenon of DevOps. DevOps bridges the gap between two teams and helps them operate and evolve applications quickly and reliably.

HIPAA Compliant Solution Requirements

In the ever-connected era, cloud computing is altering the way medics, nurses, and hospitals deliver quality, cost-effective services to their patients. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a law in the US published to protect the privacy of patient’s medical records and health-related information provided by/to patients, also known as PHI (Personal Health Information). 

HIPAA applies to “covered entities” and “business associates” including doctors, hospitals, health-related providers, clearinghouses, and health insurance providers. HIPAA is also applied to countries, all companies which are providing services related to health or they are handling or storing patient’s health information.

Secure and Scalable CI/CD Pipeline With AWS

According to Gartner, a leading research company, worldwide public cloud revenue will grow by 17.3 percent in 2019. Total spending on IT infrastructure products (server, enterprise storage, and Ethernet switches) for deployment in cloud environments is projected to attain a 10.9% year-over-year growth rate, reaching $52.3 billion this year. Application of cloud services is growing rapidly every year than the rest of the IT. Large-scale and highly-elastic applications built on any cloud managed services come with a requirement of automatic validation, infrastructure upgrading, development and deployment, quality assurance and infrastructure administration. Traditional infrastructure management is being replaced by building CI/CD pipelines for all phases of the product development life cycle.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a union of software development and operations. It is a culture that the company evolves from the Agile development process. The new method of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment have come with the rise of DevOps that focuses on:

Design Best Practices With AWS IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) presents an unparalleled opportunity for every industry to address their business challenges. With the proliferation of devices, one needs a solution to connect, collect, store, and analyze the device data. Amazon Web Services provides various services that help connected devices to easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices for various user scenarios. Having said this, every Solution Architect in the field knows the capabilities and reliabilities of AWS Cloud. Migrating or designing Internet of Things (IoT) solutions on to AWS platform enables one to focus on core business without the hassle of infrastructure management and monitoring. This will ensure high availability to the customers. No matter which solution is designed, one should select the best platform to keep the solution stable. AWS is one such platform.

There are few practices to be considered in designing IoT solutions with AWS. If the right AWS services are used for customer requirements, then IoT solutions will be able to deliver results in a more secure, reliable, and scalable manner.

Pillars of AWS Well-Architected Framework

Cloud computing is proliferating each passing year, meaning that there are plenty of opportunities. Creating a cloud solution calls for a strong architecture. If the foundation is not solid then the solution faces issues of integrity and system workload. AWS's five pillars help cloud architects to create a secure, high-performing, resilient and efficient infrastructure.

In this post, we'll take a look at the five pillars of AWS well-architected framework.