A Guide to Understanding Sidecar Deployment With Istio Service Mesh

Industry analysts predict that 83% of all enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by the end of 2020. To leverage the scalability and flexibility of the cloud, developers can deploy independent microservices into their cloud environments. Yet, transitioning to a distributed microservice architecture isn't without its challenges. As organizations grow, it becomes increasingly difficult to connect, secure, control, and monitor those services.

That's where Istio service mesh comes in.

A Complete Storage Guide for Your Kubernetes Storage Problems

Containers have emerged as a way to port software to wherever it needs to be. Containers with data needed to run the service deploy to a variety of computer systems, meaning data is now much more portable than ever before.

But what is persistent storage when it comes to Kubernetes? How can data managers make the best of their Kubernetes systems? And what are the overall benefits of a system like this?

How to Use NFS as a Backing Storage

NFS serves as a distributed file system protocol that allows a user on a client computer to access files over a network. The system provides the distributed file system, just as if you were accessing a local storage file. NFS provides you with network retrieval from almost any file location.

NFS is an open standard that can create a protocol, and ever since its inception, it has been growing and developing. Below, you can determine how you use NFS. What's more, you'll be able to determine if you need it as a backing storage system and how Linview will help you learn how to effectively and efficiently optimize its use for your business.

DevSecOps Explained in 5 Minutes

The history, tools, and metrics of DevSecOps.

Where Did DevSecOps Come From?

Traditionally, software development involved two separate siloed departments: development and operations. The developers were responsible for writing the code and the operatives were responsible for implementing and managing it.

Back then, this software development process, which essentially followed the waterfall process, was simple and straightforward. Consumer demands were manageable, and if any changes or improvements were needed to be made, the operators could ping back to the developers to make the necessary amendments.

Bring Your Monolithic Applications Back From the Dead

It was the early 2000’s, your .NET application was the best thing to hit the streets since the IBOOK G3 came out. Let’s just say that your application was so money, it didn’t even know it. It had its shiny new (insert any sweet .NET functionality here) and all of the Java-based applications were jealous of it. Those were the days…

Now turn to today. You feel like John Ritter and your application is the problem child from hell. It’s stuck in the past; it won’t allow you to update it. You’re constantly supporting all of its bad consumption habits and it won’t play nice with your other applications.

Kubernetes Operators: What Are They?

Kubernetes has become the gold standard for container orchestration. However, when it comes to running stateful applications, it needs to access a number of dependencies and operative tasks in order for it to function properly. As you can imagine, when doing this with thousands of containers, this is time-consuming and takes up a lot of developer resources, which is why you need Kubernetes Operators.

What Are Kubernetes Operators?

A Kubernetes Operator (usually just called Operator) refers to a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes application.