Using the `outline` Property as a Collapsable Border

The outline property in CSS draws a line around the outside of an element. This is quite similar to the border property, the main exception being that outline isn’t a part of the box model. It is often used for highlighting elements, for example, the :focus style.

In this article, let’s put a point on it, leaning into what outline is good at:

  1. They can be collapsed with each other (trickery!) because they technically “take up no space.”
  2. Showing and hiding outlines, or changing outline-width, doesn’t trigger layouts (which is good for performant animations and transitions).

Easier faux-table cell borders

Below is an example of a list that is laid out as a grid, making it look a bit like a table layout. Every cell has a minimum width, and will grow/shrink as the container becomes wider/narrower.

We could use border to pull this off, like this:

But in order to make an even border around each cell — never doubling up or missing — it’s a cumbersome process. Above, I used a border on all sides of each “cell” then negative margins to overlap them and prevent doubling. That meant clipping off the border on two sides, so the borders had to be re-applied there on the parent. Too much fiddly work, if you ask me.

Even having to hide the overflow is a big ask, which you have to do because, otherwise, you’ll trigger scrollbars unless you resort to even thicker trickery, like using absolutely-positioned pseudo elements.

Showing a flat table with seven columns and four rows, each cell numbered sequentially, 1 through 28. The table has a white background and block text and the borders are black around each cell with ample padding.

Check out the same result, visually, only using outline instead:

The code here is much cleaner. There is no real trickery at play. Each “cell” just has an outline around it, and that’s it.

Border in animation

Changing border-width will always trigger layout, no matter if it is actually needed.

Showing the paint rendering results from a performance test where a layout change is shown in the middle of the results taking 58.4 milliseconds to complete.

In addition, due to Chrome’s special handling of sub-pixels for border widths, animating the border-width property makes the entire border shake (which I think is strange). Firefox doesn’t have this issue.

Showing another performance test, this time with no layout triggered in the results.

There are pros and cons when it comes to animating borders. Check out Stephen Shaw’s post from a while back for an example of the performance implications.

There are some gotchas

Of course there are. Like most other CSS properties, there are a few “gotchas” or things to know when working with the outline property:

  1. Rounded outlines are only supported in Firefox at the time of writing. I imagine other browsers will eventually support them as well.
  2. An outline always goes around all the sides. That is to say it’s not a shorthand property like, say, border; so no outline-bottom, and so on.

But we can work around these limitations! For example, we can use add a box-shadow with no blur radius as an alternative. But remember: box-shadow has a higher performance cost than using either outline and border.

That’s it!

Will you always be working on something that calls for faking a table with an unordered list? Unlikely. But the fact that we can use outline and its lack of participation in the box model makes it interesting, particularly as a border alternative in some cases.

Maybe something like this tic-tac-toe board Chris put together several years ago could benefit from outline, instead of resorting to individually-crafted cell borders. Challenge accepted, Mr. Coyier? 😉

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Using AbortController as an Alternative for Removing Event Listeners

The idea of an “abortable” fetch came to life in 2017 when AbortController was released. That gives us a way to bail on an API request initiated by fetch() — even multiple calls — whenever we want.

Here’s a super simple example using AbortController to cancel a fetch() request:

const controller = new AbortController();
const res = fetch('/', { signal: controller.signal });
console.log(res); // => Promise(rejected): "DOMException: The user aborted a request"

You can really see its value when used for a modern interface of setTimeout. This way, making a fetch timeout after, say 10 seconds, is pretty straightforward:

function timeout(duration, signal) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const handle = setTimeout(resolve, duration);
    signal?.addEventListener('abort', e => {
      reject(new Error('aborted'));

// Usage
const controller = new AbortController();
const promise = timeout(10000, controller.signal);
console.log(promise); // => Promise(rejected): "Error: aborted"

But the big news is that addEventListener now accepts an Abort Signal as of Chrome 88. What’s cool about that? It can be used as an alternate of removeEventListener:

const controller = new AbortController();
eventTarget.addEventListener('event-type', handler, { signal: controller.signal });

What’s even cooler than that? Well, because AbortController is capable of aborting multiple cancelable requests at once, it streamlines the process of removing multiple listeners in one fell swoop. I’ve already found it particularly useful for drag and drop.

Here’s how I would have written a drag and drop script without AbortController, relying two removeEventListener instances to wipe out two different events:

// With removeEventListener
el.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
  if (e.buttons !== 1) return;

  const onMousemove = e => {
    if (e.buttons !== 1) return;
    /* work */

  const onMouseup = e => {
    if (e.buttons & 1) return;
    window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMousemove);
    window.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseup);

  window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMousemove);
  window.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseup); // Can’t use `once: true` here because we want to remove the event only when primary button is up

With the latest update, addEventListener accepts the signal property as its second argument, allowing us to call abort() once to stop all event listeners when they’re no longer needed:

// With AbortController
el.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
  if (e.buttons !== 1) return;

  const controller = new AbortController();

  window.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
    if (e.buttons !== 1) return;
    /* work */
  }, { signal: controller.signal });

  window.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
    if (e.buttons & 1) return;
  }, { signal: controller.signal });

Again, Chrome 88 is currently the only place where addEventListener officially accepts an AbortSignal. While other major browsers, including Firefox and Safari, support AbortController, integrating its signal with addEventListener is a no go at the moment… and there are no signals (pun sorta intended) that they plan to work on it. That said, a polyfill is available.

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Let’s Create a Lightweight Native Event Bus in JavaScript

An event bus is a design pattern (and while we’ll be talking about JavaScript here, it’s a design pattern in any language) that can be used to simplify communications between different components. It can also be thought of as publish/subscribe or pubsub.

The idea is that components can listen to the event bus to know when to do the things they do. For example, a “tab panel” component might listen for events telling it to change the active tab. Sure, that might happen from a click on one of the tabs, and thus handled entirely within that component. But with an event bus, some other elements could tell the tab to change. Imagine a form submission which causes an error that the user needs to be alerted to within a specific tab, so the form sends a message to the event bus telling the tabs component to change the active tab to the one with the error. That’s what it looks like aboard an event bus.

Pseudo-code for that situation would be like…

// Tab Component
Tabs.changeTab = id => {
  // DOM work to change the active tab.
MyEventBus.subscribe("change-tab", Tabs.changeTab(id));

// Some other component...
// something happens, then:
MyEventBus.publish("change-tab", 2);  

Do you need a JavaScript library to this? (Trick question: you never need a JavaScript library). Well, there are lots of options out there:

Also, check out Mitt which is a library that’s only 200 bytes gzipped. There is something about this simple pattern that inspires people to tackle it themselves in the most succincet way possible.

Let’s do that ourselves! We’ll use no third-party library at all and leverage an event listening system that is already built into JavaScript with the addEventListener we all know and love.

First, a little context

The addEventListener API in JavaScript is a member function of the EventTarget class. The reason we can bind a click event to a button is because the prototype interface of <button> (HTMLButtonElement) inherits from EventTarget indirectly.

Source: MDN Web Docs

Different from most other DOM interfaces, EventTarget can be created directly using the new keyword. It is supported in all modern browsers, but only fairly recently. As we can see in the screenshot above, Node inherits EventTarget, thus all DOM nodes have method addEventListener.

Here’s the trick

I’m suggesting an extremely lightweight Node type to act as our event-listening bus: an HTML comment (<!-- comment -->).

To a browser rendering engine, HTML comments are just notes in the code that have no functionality other than descriptive text for developers. But since comments are still written in HTML, they end up in the DOM as real nodes and have their own prototype interface—Comment—which inherits Node.

The Comment class can be created from new directly like EventTarget can:

const myEventBus = new Comment('my-event-bus');

We could also use the ancient, but widely-supported document.createComment API. It requires a data parameter, which is the content of the comment. It can even be an empty string:

const myEventBus = document.createComment('my-event-bus');

Now we can emit events using dispatchEvent, which accepts an Event Object. To pass user-defined event data, use CustomEvent, where the detail field can be used to contain any data.

  new CustomEvent('event-name', { 
    detail: 'event-data'

Internet Explorer 9-11 supports CustomEvent, but none of the versions support new CustomEvent. It’s complex to simulate it using document.createEvent, so if IE support is important to you, there’s a way to polyfill it.

Now we can bind event listeners:

myEventBus.addEventListener('event-name', ({ detail }) => {
  console.log(detail); // => event-data

If an event intends to be triggered only once, we may use { once: true } for one-time binding. Other options won’t fit here. To remove event listeners, we can use the native removeEventListener.


The number of events bound to single event bus can be huge. There also can be memory leaks if you forget to remove them. What if we want to know how many events are bound to myEventBus?

myEventBus is a DOM node, so it can be inspected by DevTools in the browser. From there, we can find the events in the Elements → Event Listeners tab. Be sure to uncheck “Ancestors” to hide events bound on document and window.

An example

One drawback is that the syntax of EventTarget is slightly verbose. We can write a simple wrapper for it. Here is a demo in TypeScript below:

class EventBus<DetailType = any> {
  private eventTarget: EventTarget;
  constructor(description = '') { this.eventTarget = document.appendChild(document.createComment(description)); }
  on(type: string, listener: (event: CustomEvent<DetailType>) => void) { this.eventTarget.addEventListener(type, listener); }
  once(type: string, listener: (event: CustomEvent<DetailType>) => void) { this.eventTarget.addEventListener(type, listener, { once: true }); }
  off(type: string, listener: (event: CustomEvent<DetailType>) => void) { this.eventTarget.removeEventListener(type, listener); }
  emit(type: string, detail?: DetailType) { return this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type, { detail })); }
// Usage
const myEventBus = new EventBus<string>('my-event-bus');
myEventBus.on('event-name', ({ detail }) => {

myEventBus.once('event-name', ({ detail }) => {

myEventBus.emit('event-name', 'Hello'); // => Hello Hello
myEventBus.emit('event-name', 'World'); // => World

The following demo provides the compiled JavaScript.

And there we have it! We just created a dependency-free event-listening bus where one component can inform another component of changes to trigger an action. It doesn’t take a full library to do this sort of stuff, and the possibilities it opens up are pretty endless.

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Mixing Colors in Pure CSS

Red + Blue = Purple… right?

Is there some way to express that in CSS? Well, not easily. There is a proposal draft for a color-mix function and some degree of interest from Chrome, but it doesn’t seem right around the corner. It would be nice to have native CSS color mixing, as it would give designers greater flexibility when working with colors. One example is to create tinted variants of a single base color to form a design palette.

But this is CSS-Tricks so let’s do some CSS tricks.

We have a calc() function in CSS for manipulating numbers. But we have very few ways to operate directly on colors, even though some color formats (e.g. hsl() and rgb()) are based on numeric values.

Mixing colors with animation

We can transition from one color to another in CSS. This works:

div {
  background: blue;
  transition: 0.2s;
div:hover {
  background: red; 

And here’s that with animations:

div {
  background: blue;
  transition: 0.2s;
div:hover {
  animation: change-color 0.2s forwards;

@keyframes change-color {
  to {
    background: red;

This is an keyframe animation that runs infinitely, where you can see the color moving between red and blue. Open the console and click the page — you can see that even JavaScript can tell you the current color at any exact point in the animation.

So what if we pause the animation somewhere in the middle? Color mixing works! Here is a paused animation that is 0.5s through it’s 1s duration, so exactly halfway through:

We accomplished that by setting an animation-delay of -0.5s. And what color is halfway between red and blue? Purple. We can adjust that animation-delay to specify the percentage of two colors.

This works for Chromium core browsers and Firefox. In Safari, you must change animation-name to force browser to recalculate the animation progress.

Getting the mixed color to a CSS custom property

This is a neat trick so far, but it’s not very practical to apply an animation on any element you need to use a mixed color on, and then have to set all the properties you want to change within the @keyframes.

We can improve on this a smidge if we add in a couple more CSS features:

  1. Use a @property typed CSS custom property, so it can be created as a proper color, and thus animated as a color.
  2. Use a Sass @function to easily call keyframes at a particular point.

Now we still need to call animation, but the result is that a custom property is altered that we can use on any other property.

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Animating Number Counters

Number animation, as in, imagine a number changing from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3, then 3 to 4, etc. over a specified time. Like a counter, except controlled by the same kind of animation that we use for other design animation on the web. This could be useful when designing something like a dashboard, to bring a little pizazz to the numbers. Amazingly, this can now be done in CSS without much trickery. You can jump right to the new solution if you like, but first let’s look at how we used to do it.

One fairly logical way to do number animation is by changing the number in JavaScript. We could do a rather simple setInterval, but here’s a fancier answer with a function that accepts a start, end, and duration, so you can treat it more like an animation:

Keeping it to CSS, we could use CSS counters to animate a number by adjusting the count at different keyframes:

Another way would be to line up all the numbers in a row and animate the position of them only showing one at a time:

Some of the repetitive code in these examples could use a preprocessor like Pug for HTML or SCSS for CSS that offer loops to make them perhaps easier to manage, but use vanilla on purpose so you can see the fundamental ideas.

The New School CSS Solution

With recent support for CSS.registerProperty and @property, we can animate CSS variables. The trick is to declare the CSS custom property as an integer; that way it can be interpolated (like within a transition) just like any other integer.

@property --num {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

div {
  transition: --num 1s;
  counter-reset: num var(--num);
div:hover {
  --num: 10000;
div::after {
  content: counter(num);

Important Note: At the time of this writing, this @property syntax is only supported in Chrome ( and other Chromium core browsers like Edge and Opera), so this isn’t cross-browser friendly. If you’re building something Chrome-only (e.g. an Electron app) it’s useful right away, if not, wait. The demos from above are more widely supported.

The CSS content property can be used to display the number, but we still need to use counter to convert the number to a string because content can only output <string> values.

See how we can ease the animations just like any other animation? Super cool! 

Typed CSS variables can also be used in @keyframes

One downside? Counters only support integers. That means decimals and fractions are out of the question. We’d have to display the integer part and fractional part separately somehow.

Can we animate decimals?

It’s possible to convert a decimal (e.g. --number) to an integer. Here’s how it works:

  1. Register an <integer> CSS variable ( e.g. --integer ), with the initial-value specified
  2. Then use calc() to round the value: --integer: calc(var(--number))

In this case, --number will be rounded to the nearest integer and store the result into --integer.

@property --integer {
  syntax: "<integer>";
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;
--number: 1234.5678;
--integer: calc(var(--number)); /* 1235 */

Sometimes we just need the integer part. There is a tricky way to do it: --integer: max(var(--number) - 0.5, 0). This works for positive numbers. calc() isn’t even required this way.

/* @property --integer */
--number: 1234.5678;
--integer: max(var(--number) - 0.5, 0); /* 1234 */

We can extract the fractional part in a similar way, then convert it into string with counter (but remember that content values must be strings). To display concatenated strings, use following syntax:

content: "string1" var(--string2) counter(--integer) ...

Here’s a full example that animates percentages with decimals:

Other tips

Because we’re using CSS counters, the format of those counters can be in other formats besides numbers. Here’s an example of animating the letters “CSS” to “YES”!

Oh and here’s another tip: we can debug the values grabbing the computed value of the custom property with JavaScript:


That’s it! It’s amazing what CSS can do these days.

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