Record and Play Load Testing in 5 Steps

While Apache JMeter allows you to create a load test from scratch, it also gives you the opportunity to record and playback load test scenarios for your web or mobile applications. Recording performance test scenarios are very useful when it comes to web or mobile testing. Websites and mobile applications make many requests varying from the initial server to third-party applications, like analytics sites, etc. Therefore implementing those requests from scratch may not be the best idea. In those cases, we recommend you to use the recording module of JMeter.

JMeter has a special module for that purpose. It’s called HTTP Test Script Recorder. This module works as a proxy on the host and port that you provide and listen to the HTTP requests. Then, it creates HTTP Sampler for recorded requests.

JSON Path Usage for Gatling Tests

As Loadium gives support to the Gatling tool, we thought it would be great to give some tips about Gatling’s data extraction strategies. The purpose of a Gatling test is not different than Apache JMeter test, and that is performing a load test on your application. For a realistic performance test, you need to use dynamic data. To overcome this challenge, you need to extract data from a JSON, XML, or HTML file. Let’s take a look at jsonpath expression usage with some examples.

How to Extract Data With JSONPATH

We are going to use JSON Placeholder web services for JSON Path example.