Secure Code Review Best Practices

Code review is an important part of the development process that can help to identify issues with the quality of the software. Secure code reviews are a specific type of code review that specifically evaluates the security of the software’s source code. Activities that don’t include the source code (like DAST tools and pen tests) are not considered “secure code review.”

Secure Code Review Cheat Sheet preview

Some of the steps in a secure code review can be assisted by automated tools, but many need a human for critical thinking and understanding of real-world processes. In this post, we will explore the different things you should do during a secure code review, point out which of those things can be automated, and then summarize everything into a cheat sheet for you to reference when performing your own secure code reviews!

Thinking Like a Hacker: Stealing Secrets With a Malicious GitHub Action

About This Series

Last time, a cryptocurrency scammer scanned Android APKs on the Internet Archive and found thousands of leaked Twitter API keys. After that, the scammer invested money into an altcoin and used the leaked API keys to promote the altcoin with hijacked Twitter accounts. The story ended with a classic pump-and-dump that made the crypto scammer millions of dollars at the expense of duped investors.

In this series, we will dissect not just what an attacker can do to get access to credentials, but also what they would do after getting that initial access. We will walk through a different threat scenario in each part of the series and tell stories of malicious hackers that are either true, based on a true incident, or reasonably theoretical.

Thinking Like a Hacker: Commanding a Bot Army of Compromised Twitter Accounts

About This Series

Last time, a malicious hacker got access to Poor Corp’s internal git repositories and used an open-source secret scanner to find and steal AWS keys. Using the stolen keys, the hacker gained deep access to Poor Corp’s major SaaS services and stole all their customer data.

In this series, we will dissect not just what an attacker can do to get access to credentials, but also what they would do after getting that initial access. We will walk through a different threat scenario in each part of the series and tell stories of malicious hackers that are either true, based on a true incident, or reasonably theoretical.

Thinking Like a Hacker: AWS Keys in Private Repos

About This Series

Last time, we covered a scenario in which a threat actor found leaked RSA private keys used by a TLS wildcard certificate for “Poor Corp.” By chaining the leaked private key with DNS misconfigurations, the attacker was able to impersonate a Poor Corp subdomain and use it to create highly effective phishing emails.

In this series, we will dissect not just what an attacker can do to get access to credentials, but also what they would do after getting that initial access. We will walk through a different threat scenario in each part of the series and tell stories of malicious hackers that are either true, based on a true incident, or reasonably theoretical.

Thinking Like a Hacker: Abusing Stolen Private Keys

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. – Sun Tzu, “Art of War”

When you’re on the Blue Team, you’re expected to understand the systems you have to secure and the configurations to look out for. New vulnerabilities and attack paths are constantly being discovered, and it seems like there is an ever-growing list of things to not do wrong. Sometimes, though, we need to think beyond lists of vulnerabilities and put ourselves in the shoes of an attacker.

In this series, we will dissect not just what an attacker can do to get access to credentials, but also what they would do after getting that initial access. We will walk through a different threat scenario in each part of the series and tell stories of malicious hackers that are either true, based on a true incident, or reasonably theoretical.

Securing Containers With Seccomp Filters

Many businesses are adopting containers as a foundational technology used to manage and run their applications. If you’ve worked much with containers, it’s easy to see why: they enable entirely new levels of portability and scalability. But the adoption of containers, like any other new technology, also means new ways to exploit applications.

Depending on the container’s configuration, an exploited application can eventually lead to the compromise of the host that the container is running on. There are also other implications to consider, such as potential secrets stored as environment variables in the container and what they have access to. If you want to know more about  Docker containers security best practices specifically, GitGuardian proposes a useful cheat sheet.

Securing Containers With Seccomp

This blog post is the second half of my research on making it easier to create Seccomp-BPF filters and secure your containers with them. If you haven’t read the first half of this blog post yet, I recommend doing so before continuing here.

For returning readers, I’ll briefly refresh you on my last post. I introduced Seccomp-BPF, which is a Linux kernel feature that allows you to create filters that restrict which syscalls a process can make. This allows you to prevent a process from being able to do something that it was not intended to do if it requires a new syscall. Seccomp-BPF filters can also be applied to container runtimes and orchestration tools to limit what your containers can do while they’re running. That allows you to add a layer of protection against the potential exploitation of your applications and services.

Best Practices: 5 Risks To Assess for Secure CI Pipeline


As the computing world continues to develop new processes for creating software, criminals continue to evolve their own techniques that exploit the flaws in those processes. DevOps is the latest trend in software development, and it is characterized by high levels of automation. More and more parts of the software development process can occur without human intervention which speeds up development. However, this is not without its drawbacks.

Less human involvement means less oversight from start to finish, and it also means more technologies to potentially exploit or abuse. Most of the risk involved is related to using sensitive information within automation, allowing for several ways to steal secrets. There are also things like code tampering to worry about. To keep your code and secrets safe, you should add the following security practices to your CI pipeline.