Modern Apache NiFi Load Balancing

In today's Apache NiFi, there is a new and improved means of load balancing data between nodes in a cluster. With the introduction of NiFi 1.8.0, connection load balancing has been added between every processor in any connection. You now have an easy to set option for automatically load balancing between your nodes. 

The legacy days of using Remote Process Groups to distribute the load between Apache NiFi nodes is over. For maximum flexibility, performance and ease, please make sure you upgrade your existing flows to use the built-in Connection Load Balancing.

Migrating Apache Flume Flows to Apache NiFi: Kafka Source to Multiple Sinks

The world of streaming is constantly moving... yes I said it. Every few years some projects get favored by the community and by developers. Apache NiFi has stepped ahead and has been the go-to for quickly ingesting sources and storing those resources to sinks with routing, aggregation, basic ETL/ELT, and security. I am recommending a migration from legacy Flume to Apache NiFi. The time is now.

Below, I walk you through a common use case. It's easy to integrate Kafka as a source or sink with Apache NiFi or MiNiFi agents. We can also add HDFS or Kudu sinks as well. All of this with full security, SSO, governance, cloud and K8 support, schema support, full data lineage, and an easy to use UI. Don't get fluming mad, let's try another great Apache project.