Adding customer reviews to a website

Hello there. I've stumbled upon a minor problem with my site's overall performance. I want to demonstrate a clickable feed with reviews from my Google business account, accompanied with star rating. I understand that I can make a feed with screenshots of the comments and make those screenshots clickable, but maybe there is a more simple solution?

Looking for advice on a menu button on a website

I've got long pages on my mobile site, so the menu button that is located in the header becomes difficult to access.

I wanted to add an arrow at the bottom to quickly return to the main screen, but this is not a solution to the problem, since not everyone scrolls through the page to the very end.

Hypothetically, I can fix the entire header of the site with the menu button at the top of the page so that the visitor can always see them.

I don't know if it's worth it. What do you think?

How do I view design layout before implementing it?

Hello! Can you please tell, when getting a design layout, for instance, in Figma, how can you review the overall look of this layout on screens with different resolutions before implementing it? Can you name any ways?
Im talking about is only viewing the graphic design of this page.