Complex Navigation in SwiftUI

Navigation in SwiftUI has been a major focus of the framework from day one; however, when we tried to create an app that had a bit more navigation and view complexity, we ran into the first problems.

Given the importance of navigation within an app, it has been revised and improved. In this WWDC 22′, they have published a new API to build complex navigation flows, making development easier.

Improving the Testability of CLLocationManager

It is common to find difficulties with the response of methods that are not ours when we write class tests that have external dependencies. Let’s see a typical case in mobile development where we can find this problem and find out how we can improve the testability of our CLLocationManager.

Improving the Testability of CLLocationManager

We have developed an app with a map that uses the location services of Apple’sCoreLocation to obtain the user’s location.