Having values from combobox printed into textbox

I have a Python file with 50+ frames.
Each frame has 5 radio button and 1 textbox.
Each radio button has a pre-determine numeric value that will print to textbox.

What I would like to do is replace the radio buttons with a combobox.
the combobox is set up with a base numeric value with a math equation.

The principle works but i can only get it to print to shell.

I have tried numerous different code from posts for the past month.

I thought the community may be able to help me.

I have attached a snippet of my code.

Thanks in advance.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import Tk
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter.ttk import Combobox

root.title("Dental Milling Machines")

def onclick1():#3M
textbox1.delete('1.0', 'end')
textbox1.insert('end', '2.83')
def onclick2():#3M
textbox1.delete('1.0', 'end')
textbox1.insert('end', '5.66')

def to_float( string ):
    return float( string )
except ValueError:
    return 0.0

def Cnum():

cb_var1 = tk.IntVar()

frame1 = Frame(root, height = 150, width= 150, relief= RAISED, bd=8, bg="blue")

frame1.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=2,sticky="NW")
label = Label(frame1, text="Frame 1", fg="red")
label.grid(row=0, columnspan=3, pady= 1, sticky= "W")

button1=Radiobutton(frame1, text="Submit", command=Cnum)
button1.grid(row=1, column=1, pady= 1, padx= 5, sticky= "W")

textbox1=Text(frame1, borderwidth=1, wrap="none", width=5, height=1)
textbox1.grid(row=0, column=1,padx=10, sticky="W")

combobox2=Combobox(frame1, width=7)
combobox2.grid(row=1, column=0)
combobox2['values'] = ( '', ' 1', ' 2', ' 3', ' 4', ' 5')

button1=Radiobutton(frame1, text="1 Unit ", variable=cb_var1, command=onclick1)
button1.grid(row=2, column=0, pady= 1, padx= 5, sticky= "W")
button2=Radiobutton(frame1, text="2 Unit ", variable=cb_var1, command=onclick2)
button2.grid(row=4, column=0, pady= 1, padx= 5, sticky= "W")


Hi everyone, I’m bruce.hagen

I work for a company based in NY. Air Techniques a manufacturer of dental equipment such as compressors, vacuums and digital scanners. I have been with the company for 23 years, I troubleshoot problems with technicians in the field. I also write troibleshooting scripts and schematics. My major accomplishments are i Excel. I have aproximately 50 macro enabled trobleshooting scripts. I am new to Python but am willing to learn.

Working with Python, Unhiding a frame depending on numeric value in textbox

I have a Py file that consists of 100+ frames, aprox 80+ radio buttons and 65 textboxes. I have attached shortened exert from main file. Textbox 1 takes on a value when a radio button is pressed. When button "Show Values is pressed it inserts the accumulated of all textboxes and places that value in Textbox 2. When final radio button is pressed it should unhide frame 5.
My problem is with deff onclick 5
I am close to my final stage of this file.
Any help would be appreciated