How to Create Widgets With SwiftUI? An iOS App Development Guide

Apple introduced Widgets with the launch of iOS 14 at WWDC20. The developers can create customized widgets using the newly introduced WidgetKit, which is fully built with SwiftUI. This means, to incorporate the Widgets with your app, your app should be compatible with iOS 14 and you should have basic knowledge of SwiftUI to build it.


Beginner’s Guide To Using Amazon S3 Storage Classes

As the world increasingly moves towards the cloud, there’s been an insane demand for the right cloud platforms and solutions over the last few years. Furthermore, with the gradual introduction of advanced technologies and concepts like data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more into organizations’ operational modules, there is a constant need to have adequate storage space to accommodate increasing data generation requirements.

For those of you who are on the lookout for quality and cost-effective AWS cloud migration tools and services, this guide will introduce you to Amazon’s S3 Storage. This post will offer you extensive insights on what it is all about and help you make better decisions on migrating to this service.