Creating Animated, Clickable Cards With the :has() Relational Pseudo Class

The CSS :has() pseudo class is rolling out in many browsers with Chrome and Safari already fully supporting it. It’s often referred to it as “the parent selector” — as in, we can select style a parent element from a child selector — but there is so much more that :has() can help us solve. One of those things is re-inventing the clickable card pattern many of us love to use from time to time.

We’ll take a look at how :has() can help us handle linked cards, but first…

What is this :has() pseudo class?

There is already a bunch of great posts floating around that do an excellent job explaining what :has() is and what it’s used for, but it’s still new enough that we ought to say a few words about it here as well.

:has() is a relational pseudo class that’s part of the W3C Selectors Level 4 working draft. That’s what the parentheses are all about: matching elements that are related to — or, more accurately, contain — certain child elements.

/* Matches an article element that contains an image element */
article:has(img) { }

/* Matches an article element with an image contained immediately within it */
article:has(> img) { }

So, you can see why we might want to call it a “parent” selector. But we can also combine it with other functional pseudo classes to get more specific. Say we want to style articles that do not contain any images. We can combine the relational powers of :has() with the negation powers of :not() to do that:

/* Matches an article without images  */
article:not(:has(img)) { }

But that’s just the start of how we can combine powers to do more with :has(). Before we turn specifically to solving the clickable card conundrum, let’s look at a few ways we currently approach them without using :has().

How we currently handle clickable cards

There are three main approaches on how people create a fully clickable card these days and to fully understand the power of this pseudo class, it’s nice to have a bit of a round-up.

This approach is something used quite frequently. I never use this approach but I created a quick demo to demonstrate it:

There are a lot of concerns here, especially when it comes to accessibility. When users navigate your website using the rotor function, they will hear the full text inside of that <a> element — the heading, the text, and the link. Someone might not want to sit through all that. We can do better. Since HTML5, we can nest block elements inside of an <a> element. But it never feels right to me, especially for this reason.


  • Quick to implement
  • Semantically correct


  • Accessibility concerns
  • Text not selectable
  • A lot of hassle to overwrite styles that you used on your default links

The JavaScript method

Using JavaScript, we can attach a link to our card instead of writing it in the markup. I found this great CodePen demo by costdev who also made the card text selectable in the process:

This approach has a lot of benefits. Our links are accessible on focus and we can even select text. But there are some drawbacks when it comes to styling. If we want to animate those cards, for example, we would have to add :hover styles on our main .card wrapper instead of the link itself. We also would not benefit from the animations when the links are in focus from keyboard tabbing.


  • Can be made perfectly accessible
  • Ability to select text


  • Requires JavaScript
  • Right clicking not possible (although could be fixed with some extra scripting)
  • Will require a lot of styling on the card itself which would not work when focussing the link

The ::after selector approach

This method requires us to set the card with relative positioning, then set absolute positioning on the link’s ::after pseudo selector of a link. This doesn’t require any JavaScript and is pretty easy to implement:

There are a few drawbacks here, especially when it comes to selecting text. Unless you provide a higher z-index on your card-body, you won’t be able to select text but if you do, be warned that clicking the text will not activate your link. Whether or not you want selectable text is up to you. I think it can be a UX issue, but it depends on the use-case. The text is still accessible to screen readers but my main problem with the method is the lack of animation possibilities.


  • Easy to implement
  • Accessible link without bloated text
  • Works on hover and focus


  • Text is not selectable
  • You can only animate the link as this is the element you’re hovering.

A new approach: Using ::after with :has()

Now that we’ve established the existing approaches for clickable cards, I want to show how introducing :has() to the mix solves most of those shortcomings.

In fact, let’s base this approach on the last one we looked at using ::after on the link element. We can actually use :has() there to overcome that approach’s animation constraints.

Let’s start with the markup:

<div class="card">
  <img src="cat.webp" alt="Fluffy gray and white tabby kitten snuggled up in a ball." />
  <div clas="article-body">
    <h2>Some Heading</h2>
    <p>Curabitur convallis ac quam vitae laoreet. Nulla mauris ante, euismod sed lacus sit amet, congue bibendum eros. Etiam mattis lobortis porta. Vestibulum ultrices iaculis enim imperdiet egestas.</p>

I will be keeping things as simple as possible by targeting elements in the CSS instead of classes.

For this demo, we’re going to add an image zoom and shadow to the card on hover, and animate the link with an arrow popping up and while changing the link’s text color. To make this easy, we’re going to add some custom properties scoped on our card. Here’s the basic styling:

/* The card element */
article {
  --img-scale: 1.001;
  --title-color: black;
  --link-icon-translate: -20px;
  --link-icon-opacity: 0;

  position: relative;
  border-radius: 16px;
  box-shadow: none;
  background: #fff;
  transform-origin: center;
  transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
  overflow: hidden;
/* The link's ::after pseudo */
article a::after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  inset-block: 0;
  inset-inline: 0;
  cursor: pointer;

Great! We added an initial scale for the image (--img-scale: 1.001), the initial color of the card heading (--title-color: black) and some extra properties we will use to make our arrow pop out of the link. We’ve also set an empty state of the box-shadow declaration in order to animate it later . This sets up what we need for the clickable card right now, so let’s add some resets and styling to it by adding those custom properties to the elements we want to animate:

article h2 {
  margin: 0 0 18px 0;
  font-family: "Bebas Neue", cursive;
  font-size: 1.9rem;
  letter-spacing: 0.06em;
  color: var(--title-color);
  transition: color 0.3s ease-out;
article figure {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
  overflow: hidden;
article img {
  max-width: 100%;
  transform-origin: center;
  transform: scale(var(--img-scale));
  transition: transform 0.4s ease-in-out;
article a {
  display: inline-flex;
  align-items: center;
  text-decoration: none;
  color: #28666e;
article a:focus {
  outline: 1px dotted #28666e;
article a .icon {
  min-width: 24px;
  width: 24px;
  height: 24px;
  margin-left: 5px;
  transform: translateX(var(--link-icon-translate));
  opacity: var(--link-icon-opacity);
  transition: all 0.3s;

.article-body {
  padding: 24px;

Let’s be kind to people and also add a screen reader class hidden behind the link:

.sr-only:not(:focus):not(:active) {
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0); 
  clip-path: inset(50%);
  height: 1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  white-space: nowrap; 
  width: 1px;

Our card is starting to look pretty sweet. It’s time to add a bit of magic to it. With the :has() pseudo class, we can now check if our link is hovered or focused, then update our custom properties and add a box-shadow. With this little chunk of CSS our card really comes to life:

/* Matches an article element that contains a hover or focus state */
article:has(:hover, :focus) {
  --img-scale: 1.1;
  --title-color: #28666e;
  --link-icon-translate: 0;
  --link-icon-opacity: 1;

  box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16) 0px 10px 36px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06) 0px 0px 0px 1px;

See what’s up there? Now we get the updated styles if any child element in the card is hovered or focused. And even though the link element is the only thing that can contain a hover or focus state in the ::after clickable card approach, we can use that to match the parent element and apply the transitions.

And there you have it. Just another powerful use case for the :has() selector. Not only can we match a parent element by declaring other elements as arguments, but we can match also use pseudos to match and style parents as well.


  • Accessible
  • Animatable
  • No JavaScript needed
  • Uses :hover on the correct element


  • Text is not easily selectable.
  • Browser support is limited to Chrome and Safari (it’s supported in Firefox behind a flag).

Here is a demo using this technique. You might notice an extra wrapper around the card, but that’s just me playing around with container queries, which is just one of those other fantastic things rolling out in all major browsers.

Got some other examples you wish to share? Other solutions or ideas are more than welcome in the comment section.

Creating Animated, Clickable Cards With the :has() Relational Pseudo Class originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Making a Real-Time Clock With a Conic Gradient Face

Gradients have been a part of the CSS spectrum for quite some time now. We see a lot of radial and linear gradients in a lot of projects, but there is one type of gradient that seems to be a bit lonely: the conic gradient. We’re going to make a watch face using this type of gradient.

Working with conic gradients

What we’re making consists of a gradient with color transitions rotated around a center point and can have multiple color values. For this clock to work, we will also be using the angle value of a conic gradient which defines the rotation or starting point. The angle is defined by using a from value.

background-image: conic-gradient(from 45deg, #6e7dab, #5762d5);

What is interesting about this, is that a starting angle can have a negative value in CSS, which will come in handy later.

A simple elegant example of a conical gradient:

Building our basic clock

Let’s start by adding some HTML for the clock and the hands:

Let’s create some default styling for our clock. For this to work properly, we will update CSS variables with JavaScript later on, so let’s scope these variables inside our .clock selector. For easy tweaking, let’s add the colors of the hands as well.

.clock {
  /* general clock vars */
  --hour-hand-color: #000;
  --hour-hand-degrees: 0deg;
  --minute-hand-color: #000;
  --minute-hand-degrees: 0deg;
  --second-hand-color: hotpink;
  --second-hand-degrees: 0deg;

  position: relative;
  min-width: 320px;
  width: 25vw;
  height: 25vw;
  min-height: 320px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  margin: 0 auto;
  border: 7px solid #000;

/* clock hands */
.hand {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  bottom: 50%;
  height: 45%;
  width: 4px;
  margin-left: -2px;
  background: var(--second-hand-color);
  border-radius: 6px;
  transform-origin: bottom center;
  transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.1, 2.7, 0.58, 1);
.second-hand {
  transform: rotate(var(--second-hand-degrees));
.hour-hand {
  height: 35%;
  border-radius: 40px;
  background-color: var(--hour-hand-color);
  transform: rotate(var(--hour-hand-degrees));
.minute-hand {
  height: 50%;
  background: var(--minute-hand-color);
  transform: rotate(var(--minute-hand-degrees));

This sets us up with the general styling we need for the clock. We’ve set transform-origin on the hands so that they properly rotate around the face of the clock. There are also a few custom properties in there to set angles on the hands that we’ll update with JavaScript to get the timing just right so that each hand maps to seconds, minutes, and hours accordingly.

Here’s what we have so far:

Alright, let’s move on to updating those custom properties!

Adding the JavaScript for our basic clock

First off, we’re going to target our clock and create a function:

const clock = document.getElementById("clock");
function setDate() {
  // Code to set the current time and hand angles.

Inside of our function we’re going to fetch the current time using the Date() function to calculate the correct angle of the hands:

const now = new Date();
const secondsAngle = now.getSeconds() * 6; 
const minsAngle = now.getMinutes() * 6 + secondsAngle / 60;
const hourAngle = ((now.getHours() % 12) / 12) * 360 + minsAngle / 12;

Here is how this calculation works:

  • Seconds: We take 60 seconds and multiply it by 6, which happens to be 360, the perfect number of angles in a full circle.
  • Minutes: Same as seconds, but now we add the seconds angle and divide it by 60 to increase the angle just a little bit within the minute for a more accurate result.
  • Hours: First, we calculate the remainder of the hour and divide it by 12. Then we divide that remainder by 12 again to get a decimal value we can multiply by 360. For example, when we’re at the 23rd hour, 23 / 12 = remain 11. Divide this by 12 and we get 0.916 which then gets multiplied by 360 for a grand total of 330. Here, we will do the same thing we did with the minutes and add the minutes angle, divided by 12, for a more accurate result.

Now that we have our angles, the only thing left to do is to update the variables of our clock by adding the following at the end of our function:"--second-hand-degrees", secondsAngle + "deg");"--minute-hand-degrees", minsAngle + "deg");"--hour-hand-degrees", hourAngle + "deg");

Last, but not least, we will trigger the function with an interval of a second to get a working clock:

const clock = document.getElementById("clock");
function setDate() {
  // etc.
// Tick tick tick
setInterval(setDate, 1000);

See the working demo of our basic clock:

Applying this to a conical gradient

OK, so the hands of our clock are working. What we really want is to map them to a conical gradient that updates as the time changes. You may have seen the same effect if you have an Apple Watch with the “Gradient” face active:

Black Apple Watch on a person's wrist showing a deep purple conic gradient face.
Credit: Macworld

To do this, let’s start by updating our .clock element with a conic gradient and two custom properties that control the starting and ending angles :

.clock {
  /* same as before */

  /* conic gradient vars */
  --start: 0deg;
  --end: 0deg;

  /* same as before */

      from var(--start),
      rgb(255 255 255) 2deg,
      rgb(0 0 0 / 0.5) var(--end),
      rgb(255 255 255) 2deg,
      rgb(0 0 0 / 0.7)

You can play around with this a bit to style it just the way you like it. I added some extra colors in the gradient to my liking, but as long as you have a starting point and an ending point, you’re good to go.

Next up, we will update our setDate() function so that it updates the variables for our starting and ending points on the conic gradient. The starting point will be our seconds hand, which is easy to find because it will be the same as the angle of our minutes. To make this end at the hours hand, we should make our ending point the same as the hourAngle variable in the script, but subtract our starting point from it.

let startPosition = minsAngle;
let endPosition = hourAngle - minsAngle;

Now we can update our variables with JavaScript again:"--start", startPosition + "deg");"--end", endPosition + "deg");

It looks like we could be done at this point, but there is a catch! This calculation works fine as long as the minutes hand has a smaller angle than the hours hand. Our conic gradient will get messy the moment when the minutes hand has moved past it. To fix this, we will use a negative value as a starting point. Luckily, it’s easy to spot when this happens. Before updating our variables we’ll add the following:

if (minsAngle > hourAngle) {
  startPosition = minsAngle - 360;
  endPosition = hourAngle - startPosition;

By subtracting 360 from our minutes angle, we are able to set a negative value for our startposition variable. Because of this negative starting point, our end position should be updated by the hour angle, subtracted by the starting position.

There we go — now the hour and minute hands are set to gradient angles:

That’s it! But don’t let that stop you from taking this even further. Create your own styles and share them with me in the comments so I can check them out.. Here is a little inspiration to get you going:

Making a Real-Time Clock With a Conic Gradient Face originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.