The Myth of the Blameless Retrospective

I love the idea of the blameless retrospective. What's not to like? Getting all the members of a team together to blamelessly review work done at the end of a production cycle or in response to a crisis is a great idea. There's a great benefit in having a fearless, uninhibited, blame-free examination of a problem in order to improve. You get more information and you get better ideas. Every company should do it. The problem is that most don't. Why? Because many, if not most, corporations are, by nature, blame-seeking.

Blame-seeking in corporations is nothing new. It's the low-hanging fruit in cause analysis. Identifying a single point of failure or particular human shortcoming is usually a lot easier than doing the complex work required to really understand why a failure occurred. However, this is not to say that placing blame and taking actions based on that blame assignment is an ineffective way to address an issue. Sometimes it's justified.

Ensuring Container Image Security: A Must-Have in DevSecOps

With the rise of new tech, a plethora of engineering jobs become available. This has opened up a number of unique and diverse career paths for software testers as well, such as security testing and management. In this article, you’ll find information about why focusing on security is so important to the advancement and sustained usage of containers, giving you a glimpse into the world of security testing.

Ensuring Container Image Security: A Necessary Step in Application Testing

Containers have introduced a new level of efficiency and power to distributed computing. Yet, the advantages that containers provide can be offset easily by the security risks they incur, unless an enterprise practices constant vigilance.