Value Stream Management: The Next Evolution in Software Development

Software delivery is complex. I think most of us can agree with that statement. Yet, regardless of how confusing it is, it’s a vital core competency for all organizations, despite what industry they are in or what product they are building. Today, every organization finds itself needing to be a software company. But simply being a software company isn’t enough – they need to be a high-performing one.

Today’s CIOs constantly have this on their mind, as they are instructed to create more business value with fewer resources. But unfortunately, in many cases, the pursuit of higher productivity in software delivery results in well-intentioned initiatives that fall short of their goals.

Making Multi-Speed IT Work for You

Every organization strives to be high-performing, and in today’s business landscape, it’s a goal that depends on digital transformation. The reality of the matter is that various parts of businesses grow and adapt their IT savviness at different times and at varying speeds. But in the quest to move faster, adapt more quickly and embrace being software-defined for success, what does digital transformation actually look like when IT is pulled in multiple directions?

In an ideal world, innovation calls for agility and speed; however, most enterprise organizations are cursed – or blessed – with legacy systems that still have a shelf life and need to operate alongside the introduction of other more modern components. Developers working in established sectors like banking or telecoms, for example, understand this situation well, being in industries that are embracing mobile banking and connected cars, yet are also still dealing with legacy systems of record. These systems have little interoperability, can be written in what’s tantamount to a foreign language for developers today and can be unpredictable due to their age.