Cloud-Native and MongoDB

NoSQL stands for "Not an SQL" The term has been coined many years back, as a result, a number of products have come to the market spanning from key-value to document to columnar to a graph database. MongoDB started its journey as the leading provider of Document DB, a close competitor was CouchBase for reference. There are several languages, a framework which built an out-of-the-box connector for MongoDB just like how JDBC connectors help to connect Java programs to an RDBMS, for example, Mongoose as a module under NodeJS, available through npm and this is one of the key components in MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js) or MERN (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, Node.js) stacks.

Over the years many such platforms have realized that just having a database will not help to build the platform, the need is to help build a Cloud Native solution with Database-as-a-Service aka DaaS is the future. This means the platform needs to support API as the key enabler to connect to various consumers. The classical way to use an on-premise installation with SDK based connector will not stand long in this "Journey to Cloud" era.

Performance Engineering Management: A Quick Guide

In every project performance testing, assessment, and resolution become the key phase before going to production. In this article, there will be a sneak preview of key concepts, lifecycle steps, tips, and further guidance.

I will try to cover the holistic view in this short writing including non-functional requirements with high-level details but the focus will be on the performance aspect mainly, beyond this a lot more detailed steps will be involved. Additionally, the focus will be on Java-based web applications mainly while some of the details are generic and applicable to other platforms and technologies.