How Developers Need to Choose the Right Database for React Native App

There are many coding languages that developers use to create online platforms, websites, and apps. One of these coding languages is React Native, which has become popular among the coding community. People from different backgrounds use React Native. Advanced iOS developers to React beginners use it in programming. Hire react native developers who can build UI, have knowledge of JavaScript and API services, can work on the frontend, and maintain cross-platform compatibility, infrastructure, and app integration.

Why Do You Need to Be Careful While Selecting the Right Database for React Native?

A developer is under a lot of stress to create an app that can be modified at any time. As a result, it might be challenging for developers to choose the correct technology stack for React Native that includes the right database.

Achieving Micro-frontend Architecture Using Angular Elements

There are several open-source and third-party libraries that have become de-facto standards to reduce development effort and keep complexity out. But as applications tend to become complicated over time, demanding on-the-fly scalability and high responsiveness, a micro-frontend architecture using Angular elements serves as the need of the hour in fulfilling these criteria. In this blog post, we discuss the importance of building a micro frontend using Angular elements and hosting it on Microsoft Azure, along with a technical demonstration of how we can create a micro-frontend using Angular.

What Is Micro-frontend Architecture?

Micro-frontend is a design approach in which app developers split the coding task into multiple frontend apps to ease the app development process. This helps many teams to work simultaneously on a large and complex app using a single frontend code. A micro-frontend architecture offers a more manageable, independent, and maintainable code. Using micro-frontend architecture, development teams can easily integrate, innovate, and iterate apps. Importantly, it encourages making changes to apps like write, rewrites, updates, and improvements in an incremental manner. In a nutshell, it allows enterprises to develop and deploy enterprise-level apps with greater accuracy.

What to Avoid When Considering DevOps Transformation

DevOps isn’t a new concept — it has been in the market for over a decade now. Companies have realized the benefits of adopting DevOps. While businesses are considering DevOps integral for agile development, they are still facing challenges in fully leveraging its capabilities.

Major DevOps Benefits

  • Reduced costs
  • Greater competencies
  • Better communication and cooperation opportunities
  • Fast and innovative development cycle

State of DevOps report by Puppet found that high performing DevOps teams could deploy code 100 times faster, fail three times less and recover 24 times faster than low performing teams.