Introducing New Adobe Document Generation Service

Whether you are working with contracts, invoices, statements of work, or proposals, you need to enter data into these documents. These may be data points from your ERP, your CRM system, or another database.

Many organizations create contracts or statements of work manually in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or elsewhere. Invoices may be auto-generated by systems that output as a PDF. However, these methods may run into a few challenges:

Use a Chatbot To Generate Documents and E-Sign

Very recently, I was taking a flight and had to change my flight to the following day. Instead of jumping onto a phone call, I was able to work with a chatbot to reschedule. The bot was able to look up my information and saved me a lot of time, and saved me the hassle of listening to muzak waiting on hold.

These days, chatbots are all over the place. They are on websites, built into apps, and even built into intranets and communication tools like Microsoft Teams. According to IBM, chatbots can reduce customer service costs by 30% because they save on expensive call center calls, get answers more quickly for users who prefer to text rather than talk, and give you much more reliable data to improve customer experiences.

Generate Documents and Send Them in Bulk for E-Signature in Microsoft Power Automate

Mail merge has been around since the 80s. However, back in the 80s, most of the ways that people would think of mail merge was to print documents and envelopes in bulk to be packed into envelopes and sent off. This could be for employee notices like bonus letters, offer letters, account statements, and other scenarios.

While there is still plenty of mail sent in modern times, more need is to have documents delivered electronically. In this article, we’ll learn how you can use a list of recipients in a Microsoft Excel sheet and generate documents dynamically using Adobe Document Generation API, which is part of the Adobe PDF Services connector in Microsoft Power Automate. We will also see how you have those documents delivered in bulk using Adobe Sign.

Why You Should Use Adobe Document Generation API With Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign, our cloud-based e-signature service, is used by over 50% of the Fortune 500 and is used for contracts, forms, and all sorts of other use-cases. However, there are also areas where Adobe Sign has some limits, and there are excellent reasons why Adobe Sign, combined with Adobe Document Generation API, makes a fantastic combo.

Adobe Document Generation API is a service included in Adobe PDF Services API that allows you to take your Microsoft Word-based templates and JSON data to merge them into one document with conditional logic, dynamic tables, and other features. In the end, you get a Word or PDF document that can be Adobe Sign-ready. There is even a playground where you can play with Adobe Document Generation API and see how it works.

Hands-On With Adobe Document Generation in Microsoft Power Automate

These days, people are looking to automate many everyday actions within their organization. In a world where people are more commonly having smart homes, people get more used to having the bots do much of the tedious work. By becoming more comfortable in this venue, people are expecting more ways to automate tasks at work.

One of the everyday tasks that people need to get done in their work is generating documents. Whether this is contracts, employee on-boarding paperwork, brochures, statements, or invoices, creating documents using Adobe Document Generation can save a considerable amount of time copying and pasting content into Word documents. What’s more, it can also ensure that things are on-brand and consistent.

Embed PDFs in Your Webpage Using Adobe PDF Embed API

It is incredible just how much information we have today stored in PDF format. According to the PDF Association, approximately 2.5 trillion PDFs are created every year, making up 6 percent of the web. As a web developer, though, PDFs aren't always the most outstanding experience online:

  • Viewing experiences vary significantly across different users and devices because they depend on a PDF viewer. Whether it is embedded in web browsers or free online libraries, some viewers are better than others. Adobe Acrobat Reader is generally the universal standard for viewing PDFs properly. Google Chrome is also very common. However, many things have worked in Acrobat that still doesn't work or render correctly in Chrome.
  • It becomes difficult for me to be able to incorporate PDFs into the rest of my website. Most often, PDFs would prompt users to download PDFs on their devices.
  • Converting PDFs to HTML is complicated and unreliable. If I want to present content inside a webpage that is in PDF format, I might often flatten it to PDF to make it easier to embed.
  • I have no visibility into how my visitor is viewing those PDFs. This means that I have no idea if someone is reading certain pages, how long they spend on those pages, etc.

Fortunately, Adobe PDF Embed is an excellent solution to solve all of these challenges.

Make PDFs Searchable (OCR) After Importing Into SharePoint

Let’s say you scan a piece of paper and convert it to a PDF. Did you know your PDF can have its text and images processed to make it easy to search through? This also makes it easy for other applications like SharePoint, BOX, Dropbox, and others to index your content, so you can search for them in those applications.

Depending on which PDF engine you use, you might run into issues. Some PDF engines just take an image and create a PDF wrapper around it. Then, your file repositories can’t index it because it’s just a glorified picture of a page.