Cross-Platform Mobile App Prototyping With Flutter and AWS Amplify

I’m going to show you how you can use Flutter and AWS Amplify to quickly go from nothing to a working cross-platform mobile application with authentication and backend infrastructure. What would usually take a small dev team a week or so to setup can be achieved in a fraction of the time using this toolkit.

If you follow along with this tutorial, it should take you no more than an hour. Well, it took me several hours fighting with various issues, but hopefully I’ve documented them well enough so you shouldn’t hit them.

Fast Spring Boot AWS Lambdas with GraalVM

In my previous blog post, I documented how to take a Java Spring Boot application and convert it into a serverless function, which can be run in AWS Lambda. 

Anyone who's done this before knows that cold starts are a big downside - Java and Spring Boot are not known for their speedy startup times, and a typical full fat Spring Boot-converted lambda can take anything from 10 to 90 seconds depending on how much memory and CPU you allocate it. This may force you to over-provision them to compensate for the cold starts, but that's a pretty expensive sledgehammer. There is always provisioned concurrency, but that doesn't work out much cheaper either (and negates the responsive scalability of lambda as you have to anticipate how many you'll need in advance).