10 Inspirational Examples of Graphs & Charts in Web Design

Graphs and charts are some of the most visually complex and difficult elements for designers to execute to a high standard. The range of different elements and requirement for cohesiveness make it all the more impressive when a great example is included in website design.

Some of the best examples incorporate plenty of color for visual differentiation, clean connecting lines and shapes, and easy-to-understand axis. When designed to a high standard, the results can have a dramatic impact on the overall visual design and user experience of the website.

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Lab Board

Lab Board uses a beautiful consistent selection of colors, subtle gradients, and large drop shadows in their dashboard design.

Lab Board

SE Ranking

SE Ranking shows off their graphical user interface dashboard via the homepage. The graphs are simple and easy to understand, using a selection of light colors which complement each other perfectly.

SE Ranking

Dropbox Transparency

Dropbox’s Transparency web page highlights some interesting data on how many government requests they receive. The graph is designed beautifully with great color selection and separation, and a clearly defined key to match.

Dropbox Transparency


Shoplo’s website is impressive in its unique use of background elements and bright multitude of color throughout. The graphs used in their dashboard follow this trend using subtle gradients and strokes to outline data trends to the user.


Stripe Connect

Stripe Connect uses Gantt charts to illustrate how their platform can speed up several aspects of payment processing. The design is much simplified and uses a selection of brand colors to differentiate each aspect within the chart.

Stripe Connect


Appfigures’ tools present many challenges in the fact they have to often display an enormous quantity of data at once. They have solved this issue beautifully by incorporating transparency into the vibrant graph background colors.


CA Technologies

CA Technologies keeps it simple for the graphs within their website. It uses a blue stroke with an underlying gradient which fades out to the x-axis. The simplicity makes it extremely easy to understand and fits perfectly with their brand direction and user interface colors.

CA Technologies

Median for Mac

Median for Mac’s website focuses on a screenshot of their Mac application with is almost entirely graph and chart based. The graph and chart designs are simple and keep the colors within those of the Median brand.

Median for Mac


Unamo uses line graphs within their search engine optimisation software. The lines are plotted with circular strokes and use a beautiful on-brand, three-tone color system of green, purple and blue.



Tapdaq’s homepage also uses line graphs within the dashboard preview. The blue and purple line strokes compliment each other beautifully, while the fade-out gradient brings attention to the axis and overall volume of data.


Simple Hero Web Design Examples in Landing Pages

The hero is the section of a landing page which has the utmost importance.

It is contained within the fold of a website and therefore is the first area that communicates with the visitor. This means the message needs to be put across simply and concisely to convey the product or service effectively. It is also the area where the company can create high visual impact and interest, and lead the visitor on into the key content sections.

In this article we are going to look at some excellent hero design examples in landing pages to discover what makes them so efficient.

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Headway maintains a beautifully clean hero section, while delivering a concise product description and clear call to action. The navigation options are simple and easy to understand and cast the primary focus on the hero message.

The colorful illustrations serve as a content break, and carry the brand through the design, while visually representing the product at the same time.

hero design web example landing page Headway


Rezi’s hero section sparks a tangible sense of emotion. It tempts the visitor with the emotion attached to receiving the property keys and moving home.

The message is short, large, and quickly gets across the use of the site as a tool to rent or let property. The imagery has a subtle purple hue to continuate the branding through the design. A clear call to action accompanies the hero section, allowing the site to capture the user’s initial interest and learn more about the service – in this case, getting an instant property offer.

hero design web example landing page Rezi


Bonsai has executed their hero section with precision and simplicity. They have not even opted to include a description, going simply with a large title which quickly explains the product at hand.

The title is accompanied by a clear call to action and a product screenshot which reinforces the concept of the product further.

This user interface also allows them to sell their product through its clean and simple design. The waves behind serve to create visual interest, carrying through both the brand as well as the graphs which are so integral to the product and its underlying concept.

hero design web example landing page Bonsai


Glyph is one of the more simple approaches to hero design in landing pages. There is very little noise, distraction, or hard-selling. It’s as simple as a description of what Glyph does, and an accompanying call to action which stands out clearly against the minimal design.

The illustrative section is situated below the main hero section to keep the important information and call to action as high into the fold as possible. The section also serves as a break between written content, as not to overload the user with information.

hero design web example landing page Glyph


Framer is probably the most polished and structured of all the examples. It uses a clear grid system with plenty of differentiation through color and spacing. The main hero area uses an effective video to quickly convey what would otherwise be a difficult product to describe to the everyday visitor.

The design is focused less on producing a hard-sell, and more on educating the user about the product, hence the positioning of the primary call to actions in the top right of the navigation. The use of color is clear, sharp and effective, cleverly using the brand colors throughout. The three cards provide a useful visual separator from the main written content.

hero design web example landing page Framer

Which are your favorite hero design examples in landing pages? Share them below in the comments section!

Inspiring Examples of Designer Workspaces

Designer workspaces are an ever-popular source of inspiration. Creatives often enjoy looking at the computer and equipment a designer uses, their often-minimalist desk and furniture, or even the prints or art they have on their wall.

There’s plenty to be inspired by and draw from when putting together or rearranging your own workspace setup.

In this article, we’re going to round up a selection of the most beautiful and inspiring designer workspaces from the past year.

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designer workspace

Beautifully spacious, this minimalist workspace combines the simplicity of Apple products and white furniture, with some creative chairs and a bright red bean bag.

My Workstation

designer workspace

Eddie’s workspace shows off his wonderfully customized MacBook lid, covered with some beautiful stickers. He uses a Wacom tablet and curved widescreen monitor.

My Workplace!

designer workspace

A little messy, but nonetheless inspiring, Svetlana’s workspace is filled with cards, prints, coloring pens and pen tablets. The iPad Pro is also used for illustration.


designer workspace Workstation

This futuristic example is beautifully themed with purple throughout. The lighting is atmospheric and reminiscent of a gamer setup.

Workspace 2017

designer workspace 2017

This workspace includes a beautiful colorful print, action figures, and a limited PS4 games console. It’s simple but playful and offers a balance between minimalist and maximalist.


designer workspace

Very minimal in its setup, this workspace uses an abundance of white, with a beautifully curved seat and fancy lighting, walls and an unorthodox pencil pot.


designer workspace

Similarly minimalist, this setup uses a glossy white desk with a signed photo, simple clock, and small cactus plant.

Home Workspace Setup

designer workspace

Using a wall-mounted monitor, this setup is extremely colorful against the teal wall behind. The desk looks high quality and has been carefully themed with lighting and items like the clock and lamp.

10 Beautiful Colorful Logo Designs

Colors play such a huge part in branding and logo design. They have the power to evoke emotion, attract attention, and present a recognizable brand to the world.

Almost every prominent logo design incorporates some element of color that is synonymous with their company. Think McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, YouTube – the list goes on. The way in which color is applied ranges anywhere from a small splash of color, to a gradient-heavy, multicolored design.

Wherever they lie in between these two extremes, there are a wide range of inspiring and differing examples that have been carefully executed to provide a unique identity.

In this article, we’re going to look at a selection of ten of the most impressive and well-executed examples of these colorful logo designs.

1. 14 Islands

colorful logo design 14 Islands

By applying opacity techniques and bright, positive colors, 14 Islands’ logo has encompassed an upbeat and playful style for the brand.

2. January Moon

colorful logo design January Moon

Utilizing primary colors against mundane grey, January Moon has produced a beautiful logo design which is eye-catching with juxtaposition throughout.

3. Petals

colorful logo design Petals

Using unusual color combinations, heavy gradients and three-dimensional techniques, this logo design is incredibly eye-catching and visually impressive.

4. Vi Novell

colorful logo design Vi Novell

Vi Novell’s logotype is fairly simple. However, the way in which it’s combined with colorful visuals and packaging makes it impressive.

5. Queuing App

colorful logo design Queuing App

This logo for Queuing app uses a beautiful, subtle red to pink gradient. It blends seamlessly with the curved logo mark and works perfectly on the app icon and in inverted form.

6. ShopAround

colorful logo design ShopAround

Using a striking color combination of bright yellow and pink, ShopAround has created a logo which is impactful and follows a unique direction in terms of layout and composition.

7. Primary

colorful logo design Primary

Primary’s logo mark is almost reminiscent of a marble or piece of artwork. It blends a number of colors and gradients to create a dynamic logo which pairs beautifully with the simple typography.

8. Z Logo

colorful logo design Z Logo

The simple vector strokes of this Z logo are perfectly accentuated by the pink-to-purple gradient against the black background.

9. Neighbourhood

colorful logo design Neighbourhood

Almost erring on the side of the brutalism trend, Neighbourhood’s logo uses bright graphics and colors, all overlapping and contained within the serif typographic mark.

10. Popfn

colorful logo design Popfn

Popfn’s logo uses bold colors and subtle gradients to produce a stunning neon-style mark with both depth and visual interaction in the form of an impossible triangle.