OS Framework Selection: How to Read Subliminal Messages in Framework Marketing

These are signals to pick up on and investigate during framework selection.

When you select frameworks, you check their website first, which is part of their marketing. There's a lot more information in this marketing than you might realize.

This article will take you through some good, bad, and warning signs in framework marketing. These are signals to pick up on and investigate during framework selection.

OS Framework Selection: Reversible Real-World Trial

Learn more about testing new frameworks with this reversible real-world trial.

When selecting an open-source framework, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. You did your research, you did a thorough review process, and one candidate stood out among the rest and offered the best solutions for your use case.

So, the framework looks great, but does it really live up to all of its promises? You must test it thoroughly before adopting it for good. You know that a "try-me" tutorial is not enough. However, performing a real test is a lot of work.