Best PHP Frameworks (2019)

In this article, we will be discussing the Best PHP Frameworks along with their pros and cons in great depth so that one might get a clear understanding of which one to chose. Our comprehensive research would include some Latest PHP Frameworks.

Table of Contents

Best PHP Books for Beginners [2019]

In this article, we take a look at a very comprehensive list of best PHP books for beginners, including detailed descriptions and purchase links.

Best PHP Books for Beginners [Updated] [2019]
Best PHP Books for Beginners [Updated] [2019] | Full Stack Geek

List of Best PHP Books For Beginners

Here we go, following is the list of hand-picked books which are must-haves for beginners.

Var vs. Let in JavaScript

In this article, we wil be discussing the long running debate of var vs. let in JavaScript. We will also be discussing why the use of let is increasing in dev communities.

Var vs Let in JavaScript


Declaring variables in JavaScript was not a cake walk until 2015 when ECMA 2015 was introduced and hence let and const was introduced and we got rid of var (it still works though!).

Redis vs. MySQL Benchmarks

In this article, we will be discussing the performance benchmarks of Redis and MySQL. We will start with the introduction and installation of Redis over Ubuntu. Then we will move towards the benchmarking between these two.

Introduction to Redis

According to the official website, Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. Actually, Redis is an advanced key-value store. It is super fast with amazingly high throughput, as it can perform approximately 110000 SETs per second, about 81000 GETs per second. It also supports a very rich set of data types to store. As a matter of fact, Redis keeps the data in-memory every time, but also persistent on-disk. So, it comes with a trade-off: Amazing speed with a size limit on datasets (as per memory). In this article, to have some benchmarks in comparison to MySQL, we will be using Redis as a caching engine only.

Introduction to Elasticsearch and the ELK Stack, Part 1

SIn this article series, we are discussing Elasticsearch. In Part 1, we will start with an introduction of Elasticsearch and then will be have a brief discussion of the so-called ELK stack. In Part 2, we will then move to the architecture of Elasticsearch and what the heck nodes are, plus a look into clusters, shards, indexes, documents, replicatio,  and so on. So let's start.

Introduction to Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is open source analytics and full-text search engine. It’s often used for enabling search functionality for different applications. For example, a blog for which you want users to be able to search for various kinds of data. That could be blog posts, products, categories, etc. You can actually build complex search functionalities with Elasticsearch, like auto-completion, handling synonyms, adjusting relevance, and so on.