How To Create a Resource Chart in JavaScript

In today's data-driven world, data visualization simplifies complex information and empowers individuals to make informed decisions. One particularly valuable chart type is the Resource Chart, which facilitates efficient resource allocation. This tutorial will be your essential guide to creating dynamic resource charts using JavaScript.

A resource chart is a type of Gantt chart that visualizes data about resource utilization, such as equipment, employees, and so on. It provides a comprehensive overview, making it easier to make informed decisions promptly. As an illustrative example, in this tutorial, I will represent the FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar schedule by stadium, enabling you to track when and where each game took place.

How to Build a Treemap Using JavaScript

Treemap visualizations are widely used in hierarchical data analysis. If you need to build one but have never done that before, you might think the process is somewhat complicated. Well, not necessarily. I decided to make a step-by-step tutorial explaining how to create awesome interactive treemap charts with ease using JavaScript. And you’re gonna love the illustrations!

Are we alone in the universe? A question every one of us has asked ourselves at some point. While we are thinking about the odds of the Earth being the only habitable planet in the universe, or not, one of the things we might consider is how big the universe is. Let’s look at that with the help of treemaps! In this tutorial, we will be visualizing the scale of the 10 largest galaxies in the known universe using the treemapping technique.