PHP mail function how to set sender mail id based on if condition?

I am using magento for sending mail with condition,

My code:

class Gta_MerchantNotification_Model_Observer {
    public function merchantremainder($Observer) {
       $order = $Observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
       $order_details = $order->getAllVisibleItems();

       $itemData = array();
       foreach ($order_details as $list) {
          $incrementid = $order->getIncrementId();
          $sku = $list->getsku();
          $name = $list->getName();
          $price = $list->getPrice();
          $Qty = $list->getQtyOrdered();
          $extra = $order->getIncrementId();
          $message = 

          <!-- <td>$incrementid</td> -->

          $itemData[$list->getId()] = $message;


      $finalMessage =  "
      <p>Order Id : $incrementid</p>
      <table border='1'>

      <!-- <th>Id</th> -->
      <th>Product name</th>
      <th>Qty Ordered</th>
      if (!empty($itemData)) {
          foreach ($itemData as $data) {
             $finalMessage .= $data;

         $finalMessage .= "</table>";


 public function sendMail($message) {
   $body ="$message";
   $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email');
   $emailTemplate->setSubject("Custom Email from observer");



Output :

If order placed mail send to
How to set email sender based on SKU $sku from order.

I want :

1) If SKU starts with 2, email should go to the mail id,
screenshot :

2) If SKU starts with 3, email should go to the mail id,
screenshot :

3) If SKU starts with 4, email should go to the mail id,
screenshot :

FYI - If an order contains 10 items email should go separately based on SKU. But an order id the same must include all the emails.

How to get my value if drop-down filed using AJAX?

I have predefined value like shipping_weight = 10$, my form consisting two dropdown list, if the dropdown selected based on the selection how to return my ajax value,

Index.php :

        <th>I have : </th>
            <select id="old" name="i_have">
                <option value = "select_option">Select Option</option>
                <option value = "three_compact">3 Compact</option>
                <option value = "three_regular">3 Regular</option>
                <option value = "three_triple">3 Triple</option>
                <option value = "five_compact">5 Compact</option>
                <option value = "five_regular">5 Regular</option>
                <option value = "five_triple">5 Triple</option>
                <option value = "seven_compact">7 Compact</option>
                <option value = "seven_regular">7 Regular</option>
                <option value = "seven_triple">7 Triple</option>
                <option value = "nine_compact">9 Compact</option>
                <option value = "nine_regular">9 Regular</option>
                <option value = "nine_triple">9 Triple</option>

        <th>I want : </th>
            <select id="new" name="i_want">
                <option value = "select_option">Select Option</option>
                <option value = "three_compact">3 Compact</option>
                <option value = "three_regular">3 Regular</option>
                <option value = "three_triple">3 Triple</option>
                <option value = "five_compact">5 Compact</option>
                <option value = "five_regular">5 Regular</option>
                <option value = "five_triple">5 Triple</option>
                <option value = "seven_compact">7 Compact</option>
                <option value = "seven_regular">7 Regular</option>
                <option value = "seven_triple">7 Triple</option>
                <option value = "nine_compact">9 Compact</option>
                <option value = "nine_regular">9 Regular</option>
                <option value = "nine_triple">9 Triple</option>

        <th>Shipping Weight : </th> 
        <td id="results"></td>
        <input type="hidden" name="shipping_weight" id="shipping_weight"/>


        var ship_val = $("#est_shi_val").val();
        type: "POST",
        url: "ajax_ship_data.php",
        dataType: "text",
        data: {est_shi_val: ship_val },
        success: function(data)
            // Check the output of ajax call on firebug console
            // console.log(data);



My value is,


if(isset($_POST['old']) && isset($_POST['new'])){
$old = $_POST['old'];
$new = $_POST['new'];

// three step kolupadi combination 

//part 1 

if($old=='three_compact'&&$new=='five_compact'){  // 6250111

/** echo json_encode(array('Cost 10$')); */
echo "10";

How get my shipping weight if two drop down seleted.
FYI ->