Conditional API Responses for JavaScript vs. HTML Forms

Today, I’ll show you how to detect whether an HTTP request was submitted via HTML form or with JavaScript to the server.

The examples in this post are based on Nuxt.js and include references to a few global functions (defineEventHandler, getRequestHeaders, sendRedirect). It’s not important that you know how they work. Just focus on the concept. I’ll explicitly highlight the important bits

PX or REM in CSS? Just Use REM

CSS has a lot of different units that you can choose from. In many cases, there is one unit that’s clearly better than any others. 

However, one question that seems to come up throughout my career is whether you should use pixels or rems on certain properties where it doesn’t seem to make a clear difference.

6 Steps To Improve HTML Images for Users and Developers

In this article, learn how to make HTML images better for users with responsive sizes and modern formats without making your life as a developer much harder.


  • <img> with just src: Easy to implement; good developer experience; no responsive images; no modern formats with fallback; likely uses more bandwidth; worst user experience
  • <img> with srcset attribute: Moderate work; ok developer experience; supports responsive images for less bandwidth; no modern formats with fallbacks; leaves potential savings on the table; ok user experience
  • <picture> with multiple <source> and srcset: Supports responsive images and modern formats with fallbacks; would rather squirt jalapeno juice in my eyes
  • <img> with just src with Image Manager: Easy to implement and automatically sends images in the best size and format; win-win for developers and users!!!

Let’s say we have just a basic website that is loading an image from my domain. The code might look like this:

Edit Someone Else’s Website: contenteditable and designMode

The first time I opened up my DevTools and changed the contents of a website, I actually thought that I had hacked it. I thought, “Oh my gosh, what sort of crazy powers have I unlocked?”

Little did I know that it was just a local change that would go away when I reload the browser. Still, it is kind of cool to think we can do that.

Fixing Obscure Bugs: Apache, GZip, ETags, and Edge Compute

I was recently introduced to an obscure performance bug with Apache’s GZip module and a clever solution using EdgeWorkers. So, I made a video and a small blog post to cover it.

One thing I love about my job is when I get to work with people that are way smarter than me at things that I never had the interest in or the opportunity of working on.

My Experience Speaking at Vueconf US 2022

This year I had the honor of speaking at VueConf US 2022 and I thought I would share my experience. Some of this will cover my personal process, some will look at VueConf specifically, and some will be about conferences at large. I hope you enjoy it.

Getting In

Call For Papers

Let’s start at the beginning, as that’s a good place to start. As soon as they announced the Call for Papers(CFPs), I submitted my talks. I had submitted a few, and the one they selected was called, “Maintainable & Resilient Projects Through Internal UI Libraries“.

Roll Your Own Static Site Host on VPS With Caddy Server

I recently had to work on a project with some interesting requirements:

  • Host a static website
  • With a user-friendly file upload process
  • Running on a custom domain
  • With an SSL certificate
  • And have root access to the server (for…reasons)

Most of those requirements would actually be very easy to fulfill with a 3rd party provider, but that last one: that’s the tricky one. Most service providers don’t give you root-level access, which means I’d have to do this all myself on a Virtual Private Server (VPS).

Cookies at the Edge: Not a Baking Blog Post

I came across an interesting use case for edge compute the other day: cookie management at the edge. It probably won’t be super relevant to a ton of people, but it’s an interesting use case I wanted to share nonetheless.

Brief Background About Cookies

When most people think of cookies, they picture delicious baked morsels. But we’re not here to talk about those (unfortunately). In the context of web development, cookies are one of the options web developers have to store data.

Optimizing Content Migrations With Edge Compute

The more I learn about edge computing, the more I look for compelling use cases that developers can relate to. Today, I have one: edge redirects.


Imagine you manage a website with a lot of content. I’m talking, like hundreds of thousands of articles. One day, you decide it’s time to change the domain name.

Vuetensils 0.10: Vue 3, Vite, Better Forms, and More

I’ve recently published the latest version of Vuetensils and wanted to take some time to share some of the features I’m most excited about.

Vue 3 and Vite

Great news for anyone working with new or newly upgraded projects: Vuetensils now works with Vue 3. We’re leveraging vue-demi to do a little bit of magic to check whether the current version is Vue 2 or 3. 

Making Accessibility More Accessible

Every person I’ve worked with has agreed that making the web more accessible is a good thing. We don’t want to disservice any of our users.

However, accessibility is nuanced, the work is not always straightforward, and responsibility can be unclear. After all, building websites requires many steps, and accessibility is impacted by the decisions at each stage; design, development, content creation.

Get Started With TypeScript the Easy Way

There’s no denying that TypeScript has taken hold in the JavaScript community. And there’s no wonder when it offers features like improved Intellisense, static analysis (aka “type-checking”), and inline documentation.

These features are not unique to TypeScript. They’re part of any strongly-typed language, and they translate to improvements in productivity and code quality such as:

  • Write code faster with autocomplete code suggestions as you type.
  • Warns you if you have a typo or error in your code.
  • Easier to introduce new people into the codebase.
  • Better collaboration for team members across code they did not write.
  • Can prevent broken code from getting through automatic deployments. 
  • Makes maintaining old code is easier and safer to modify.
  • Can be used to automatically document your project.

That’s all well and good, but I’m not trying to sell you on using TypeScript. This article is intended for JavaScript developers that have heard of TypeScript and are interested in getting started with it or anyone that has already tried TypeScript and wants to give it another perspective.

How to Build HTML Forms Right: Security

While many guides to creating forms for the web are mainly focused on the frontend, security goes beyond that. We have to consider the current user, other users, and our own security. As such, we will look at the whole application architecture from frontend to backend and beyond.

Encrypt Traffic (SSL)

Before we get too far, I will be using the term “SSL” to refer to a technology used to encrypt traffic on the internet. Technically, I mean Transport Layer Security (TLS), but “SSL” is commonly used and understood to mean the same thing. It’s what gives websites the little green lock in the URL bar and why they start with “https” instead of “http” (no “s”).