Spring Boot and Java 16 Records

On March 16th, 2021, Java 16 was GA. With this new release, tons of new exciting features have been added. Check out the release notes to know more about these changes in detail. This article's focus will be on Java Records, which got delivered with JEP 395. Records were first introduced in JDK 14 as a preview feature proposed by JEP 359, and with JDK 15, they remained in preview with JEP 384. However, with JDK 16, Records are no longer in preview.

I have picked Records because they are definitely the most favored feature added in Java 16, according to this Twitter poll by Java Champion Mala Gupta.

Deploying Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes

What You Will Learn

  • How to enable Kubernetes with Docker Desktop for Mac
  • How to create a pod
  • How to deploy a working spring boot application on Kubernetes
  • How to monitor and manage Kubernetes cluster with Lens IDE

Moving on, you may not know this, but you can have a functional single-node Kubernetes cluster running locally with your Docker Desktop by following the below steps. But wait, What is Docker Desktop?

What is Docker Desktop?

As per the official documentation, Docker Desktop is an application for macOS and Windows machines for the building and sharing of containerized applications and microservices.

Local Variable Type Inference: Declare Var, Not War

Java is changing rapidly, and with the six-month release cycle, we are getting new features to try with every release. In Java 10, local variable type inference was added. It was basically aimed at reducing boilerplate code and improving readability when declaring local variables with initializers.

Programs must be written for people to read and only incidentally for machines to execute
Harold Abelson

Continuous Integration and Deployment of SpringBoot Kubernetes Application Using Skaffold

It is a known fact that developing applications with Kubernetes is cumbersome. That is why an ecosystem is being developed around it so that developers can focus on what matters most to them, i.e., writing code. In this article, I will be covering another tool Skaffold, developed by Google.

So What Exactly Is Skaffold?

Skaffold handles the workflow for building, pushing and deploying your application.

Containerizing SpringBoot Application With Jib

In this article, we will learn how to create Docker or OCI complaint images without installing a Docker client or using Dockerfile for our SpringBoot application. We will be doing all of this with the help of Jib.

What Is Jib?

Jib is a Java containerizer from Google that lets Java developers build containers using build tools like Maven, Gradle, etc.