Scalable Rate Limiting in Java With Code Examples: Managing Multiple Instances

Rate limiting is an essential technique to control the number of requests a user can send to an application within a specific time frame. It helps protect applications from Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, ensures fair usage of resources, and maintains the stability and performance of the system. In this article, we will discuss how to implement scalable rate limiting in Java using multiple instances, complete with code examples and Gradle-based development.

Understanding Rate Limiting

Rate limiting works by setting a limit on the number of requests a user can make within a specific time window. When the limit is reached, the user receives an error message or is temporarily blocked from making further requests. There are several algorithms for implementing rate limiting, such as the Token Bucket and Leaky Bucket algorithms.

Building AI Applications With Java and Gradle

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming various industries and changing the way businesses operate. Although Python is often regarded as the go-to language for AI development, Java provides robust libraries and frameworks that make it an equally strong contender for creating AI-based applications. In this article, we explore using Java and Gradle for AI development by discussing popular libraries, providing code examples, and demonstrating end-to-end working examples.

Java Libraries for AI Development

Java offers several powerful libraries and frameworks for building AI applications, including:

Exploring Edge Computing: Delving Into Amazon and Facebook Use Cases

The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the increasing need for real-time data processing have led to the emergence of a new computing paradigm called edge computing. As more devices connect to the internet and generate vast amounts of data, traditional centralized cloud computing struggles to keep pace with the demand for low-latency, high-bandwidth communication. This article aims to provide a deeper understanding of edge computing, its benefits challenges, and a detailed examination of its application in Amazon and Facebook use cases.

Understanding Edge Computing

Edge computing is a distributed computing model that moves data processing and storage closer to the source of data generation. Instead of relying solely on centralized cloud data centers, edge computing enables processing to occur at the "edge" of the network, using devices like IoT sensors, local servers, or edge data centers. This approach reduces the amount of data transmitted to and from central data centers, thus easing the burden on network infrastructure and improving overall performance.

Securing Your Applications With Spring Security

In today's increasingly digital world, securing your applications has become paramount. As developers, we must ensure that our applications are protected from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. One popular solution for securing Java applications is Spring Security, a comprehensive and customizable framework that provides authentication, authorization, and protection against various security threats.

In this article, we will explore the basics of Spring Security and walk through a real-world example to demonstrate how it can be implemented in your application. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of the benefits of using Spring Security and how to utilize its features effectively.

Embracing Reactive Programming With Spring WebFlux

In the era of high-performance web applications, developers strive to build responsive and scalable systems. To address this demand, the Spring team introduced WebFlux, a reactive programming framework built on top of Reactive Streams. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore WebFlux and its benefits and demonstrate how it empowers our code by building a simple application.

What Is WebFlux?

WebFlux is a non-blocking, reactive web framework that enables developers to build highly concurrent and efficient applications. It is part of the Spring 5 release and is fully compatible with the Spring ecosystem. WebFlux is designed to work with Reactive Streams, which is a specification for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure.

Unleashing the Power of Microservices With Spring Cloud

The rise of microservices architecture has changed the way developers build and deploy applications. Spring Cloud, a part of the Spring ecosystem, aims to simplify the complexities of developing and managing microservices. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore Spring Cloud and its features and demonstrate its capabilities by building a simple microservices application.

What Is Spring Cloud?

Spring Cloud is a set of tools and libraries that provide solutions to common patterns and challenges in distributed systems, such as configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers, and distributed tracing. It builds upon Spring Boot and makes it easy to create scalable, fault-tolerant microservices.

Technical vs. Adaptive Leadership

In today's dynamic business world, leadership involves blending technical expertise with adaptive skills as organizations confront unprecedented challenges and opportunities. 

This article explores the definitions, traits, applications, and imperatives of combining both leadership styles to effectively guide teams and companies towards sustainable growth.

Microservices With GraphQL

GraphQL is an API that was invented and open sourced by Facebook as a better replacement for REST. It can be understood as Querby language for APIs, which enables declarative data fetching by exposing a single endpoint and responds to queries. In REST, there is always a dedicated endpoint for each type of request and can't be customized.

In GraphQL, the client decides what data they need and that's the reason the client sends a query (payload) to the server and the server sends the data back as per the query request. There is where they get the name GraphQL