How to Launch an EC2 Instance From a Custom AMI

Take advantage of the EC2 autoscaling with this tutorial.

Cloud is all about agility. Quickly creating new servers of various sizes and deploying applications on them is one of them. Let’s take the example of Netflix, hosted on AWS. Whenever there is a popular show or a movie, Netflix adds more and more EC2s using autoscaling to meet customer demand. Depending on the number of users trying to access Netflix service, the autoscaling feature can automatically add or delete EC2 instances. Let us see how to launch an EC2 instance from a custom AMI.

You may also enjoy:  Tutorial: Deploying an API on EC2 from AWS

What Are the Different Ways of Getting the Application onto The EC2 Instance?

How is the application installed on EC2 automatically? There are multiple ways to have the application along with the settings on the EC2 instance as discussed below.

The Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

Adoption of the IoT by businesses and enterprises has made mobile banking, online shopping, and social networking possible. While it has opened up a lot of opportunities for us, its not altogether a safe place because its anonymity also harbors cybercriminals. So, to protect yourself against the cyber threats of today, you must have a solid understanding of cybersecurity. This article will help you get a grip on cybersecurity fundamentals.

Let’s take a look at the topics covered in this cybersecurity fundamentals article:

A Guide to Installing Kali Linux

If you are pursuing a career in information security, one of the most important things is to have a security-focused operating system. A suitable OS helps you in performing time-consuming and tedious tasks efficiently. Currently, there are countless Linux-based OSs, but Kali Linux is arguably one of the best choices. It is used by cybersecurity experts for penetration testing, ethical hacking, and network security assessments. In this article, we will take a look at how to install Kali Linux.

Let’s get started!