The Definitive Guide to TDD in React: Writing Tests That Guarantee Success

Imagine coding with a safety net that catches errors before they happen. That's the power of TDD. In this article, we'll dive into how it can revolutionize your development workflow. In Test Driven Development (TDD), a developer writes test cases first before actually writing code to implement the functionality. There are several practical benefits to developing code with the TDD approach such as:

  • Higher quality code: Thinking about tests upfront forces you to consider requirements and design more carefully.
  • Rapid feedback: You get instant validation, reducing the time spent debugging.
  • Comprehensive test coverage: TDD ensures that your entire codebase is thoroughly tested.
  • Refactoring confidence: With a strong test suite, you can confidently improve your code without fear of breaking things.
  • Living documentation: Your tests serve as examples of how the code is meant to be used.

TDD has three main phases: Red, Green, and Refactor. The red phase means writing a test case and watching it fail. The green phase means writing minimum code to pass the test case. The refactor phase means improving the code with refactoring for better structure, readability, and maintainability without changing the functionality while ensuring test cases still pass. We will build a Login Page in React, and cover all these phases in detail. The full code for the project is available here, but I highly encourage you to follow along as TDD is as much about the process as it's about the end product.

How to Effortlessly Host Your Angular Website on GitHub Pages

Angular is a leading framework for building web applications and a large number of companies use it in their enterprise software building. This makes the ability to showcase your Angular application quite lucrative. It is not always straightforward though to showcase your Angular skills to others. Maybe you work for an application that is internal to your company only, or it is behind a pay subscription or you are an aspiring student who has not yet worked on a real-world application. 

It can be very costly to host your sample web application on online cloud hosting platforms or can become hard to maintain if you decide to host it on your local machine. GitHub pages offer a very cost-effective way to host, and with Angular’s GitHub page integration, it becomes a breeze to host your app.