Designing a Multi-Language Database

Today we look at three best-practice database designs to store data in multiple languages and easily scale to new markets.

Reaching millions of users with an application is every developer's dream. Achieving this goal becomes easier if users from all over the world can use your application. Since not all users know English or your target language, you need to design your application to be multilingual. This would not be possible without a multi-language database.

A Complete Guide to Generated Columns in MySQL

MySQL generated columns pose as a powerful, easy-to-use, and advanced tool for anyone who wants to add automatically generated data to their tables - in this blog, we will learn everything you need to know to master them.

Generated columns allow you to store automatically generated data in a table without using the INSERT and UPDATE clauses. This useful feature has been part of MySQL since version 5.7, and it represents an alternative approach to triggers when it comes to generating data. Also, generated columns can help you make your query easier and more efficient.

Improving Performance in a Hierarchical SQL Structure

This article will show how column propagation can represent a straightforward approach to improving query performance when dealing with a hierarchical data structure.

We'll do this with a real-world scenario based on a data-driven project involving a live data website developed for a startup operating in the sports industry. You'll learn everything you need to know about column propagation as a solution to the performance issues inherent in hierarchical SQL table structures. Let's begin.

Partitioning a Billion-Row Table of Soccer Data Using Data Context

In this article, you will learn how to use the semantics behind your data when you partition your database. This can drastically improve your application's performance. And, most importantly, you will discover that you should tailor your partitioning criteria to your unique application domain.

I have collaborated with a startup to develop a web app for sports experts to make decisions and explore data. The application supports any sport, but we are based in Europe - and Europeans love soccer. Each of the hundreds of games played every day worldwide comes with thousands of rows. In just a few months, the Events table in our app reached half a billion rows!

Improving Performance With SQL Aggregate Functions

In this article, you will learn how SQL aggregate functions can represent an easy way to significantly improve your application's performance. Mainly, you will see how they were a game-changer in a real-world scenario based on a data-driven application developed for a startup operating in the sports industry.

Let's now delve deeper into this scenario and learn why you can't ignore SQL aggregate functions in data science.