Running Tests in Cypress With GitHub Actions [Complete Guide]

In today’s tech world, where speed is the key to modern software development, we should aim to get quick feedback on the impact of any change, and that is where CI/CD comes in place.

Setting up CI/CD is crucial for automated test cases because it gives more consistent results, agility, and efficient assessment of minor changes. With the shorter release and fast development cycles, we need to check that automated tests are passing on every code change, which can be easily done by configuring the CI/CD pipeline.

Strategy for Starting Test Automation in an Organization

A well-crafted test automation strategy is essential for any organization or enterprise striving to provide top-quality products or services. Today, where we want a major chunk of test cases to be automated, the main painful area for every QA is understanding where to start.

Through my personal experience, I have witnessed that many individuals struggle with initiating automation. While they may be familiar with the latest tools and technologies available in the market, selecting an automation tool and adopting a CI/CD approach is insufficient. Instead, they require a deeper understanding of where to commence automation.

Introduction to Shift Left Testing

Shift-left testing is a software testing approach where testing is moved to an earlier phase in the development process, closer to the development phase. The goal of shift-left testing is to catch and fix defects as early as possible in the development cycle, which can save time and resources in the long run.

A real-time example of shift-left testing is in a microservices architecture where each service is developed and tested independently before being integrated with other services.