Monthly Web Development Update 9/2019: Embracing Basic And Why Simple Is Hard

Monthly Web Development Update 9/2019: Embracing Basic And Why Simple Is Hard

Monthly Web Development Update 9/2019: Embracing Basic And Why Simple Is Hard

Anselm Hannemann

Editor’s note: Please note that this is the last Monthly Web Development Update in the series. You can still follow the Web Development Reading List on Anselm’s site at Watch out for a new roundup post format next month here on Smashing Magazine. A big thank-you to Anselm for sharing his findings and his thoughts with us during the past four years.

Do we make our lives too complex, too busy, and too rich? More and more people working with digital technology realize over time that a simple craft and nature are very valuable. The constant hunt to do more and get more productive, with even leisure activities that are meant to help us refuel our energy turning into a competition, doesn’t seem to be a good idea, yet currently, this is a trend in our modern world. After work, we feel we need to do two hours of yoga and be able to master the most complex of poses, we need a hobby, binge-watch series on Netflix, and a lot more. That’s why this week I want to encourage you to embrace a basic lifestyle.

“To live a life in which one purely subsists on the airy cream puffs of ideas seems enviably privileged: the ability to make a living merely off of one’s thoughts, rather than manual or skilled labor.”

Nadia Eghbal in “Basic”

What does basic stand for? Keep it real, don’t constantly do extra hours, don’t try to pack your workday with even more tasks or find more techniques to make it more efficient. Don’t try to hack your productivity, your sleep, let alone your meditation, yoga, or other wellness and sports activities. Do what you need to do and enjoy the silence and doing nothing when you’re finished. Living a basic life is a virtue, and it becomes more relevant again as we have more money to spend on unnecessary goods and more technology that intercept our human, basic thoughts on things.



  • Chris Coyier asks the question if a website should work without JavaScript in 2019. It breaks down to a couple of thoughts that mainly conclude with progressive enhancement being more important than making a website work for users who actively turned off JavaScript.



  • In our modern world, it’s easy to junk things up. We’re quick to add more questions to research surveys, more buttons to a digital interface, more burdens to people. Simple is hard.

Web Performance

  • So many users these days use the Internet with a battery-driven device. The WebKit team shares how web content can affect power usage and how to improve the performance of your web application and save battery.
Visualization of high impact on the battery when scrolling a page with complex rendering and video playback.
Scrolling a page with complex rendering and video playback has a significant impact on battery life. But how can you make your pages more power efficient? (Image credit)



  • There’s a new tool in town if you want to have a status page for your web service: The great people from Oh Dear now also provide status pages.
  • Bastian Allgeier shares his thoughts on simplicity on the web, where we started, and where we are now. Call it nostalgic or not, the times when we simply uploaded a file via FTP and it was live on servers were easy days. Now with all the CI/CD tooling around, we have gotten many advantages in terms of security, version management, and testability. However, a simple solution looks different.


  • Adrian Roselli shares why we shouldn’t under-engineer text form fields and why the default CSS that comes with the browser usually isn’t enough. A pretty good summary of what’s possible, what’s necessary, and how to make forms better for everyone visiting our websites. It even includes high-contrast mode, dark mode, print styles, and internationalization.

Work & Life

Going Beyond…


Smashing Editorial (cm)

Monthly Web Development Update 8/2019: Strong Teams And Ethical Data Sensemaking

Monthly Web Development Update 8/2019: Strong Teams And Ethical Data Sensemaking

Monthly Web Development Update 8/2019: Strong Teams And Ethical Data Sensemaking

Anselm Hannemann

What’s more powerful than a star who knows everything? Well, a team not made of stars but of people who love what they do, stand behind their company’s vision and can work together, support each other. Like a galaxy made of stars — where not every star shines and also doesn’t need to. Everyone has their place, their own strength, their own weakness. Teams don’t consist only of stars, they consist of people, and the most important thing is that the work and life culture is great. So don’t do a moonshot if you’re hiring someone but try to look for someone who fits into your team and encourages, supports your team’s values and members.

In terms of your own life, take some time today to take a deep breath and recall what happened this week. Go through it day by day and appreciate the actions, the negative ones as well as the positive ones. Accept that negative things happen in our lives as well, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to feel good either. It’s a helpful exercise to balance your life, to have a way of invalidating the feeling of “I did nothing this week” or “I was quite unproductive.” It makes you understand why you might not have worked as much as you’re used to — but it feels fine because there’s a reason for it.


  • Three weeks ago we officially exhausted the Earth’s natural resources for the year — with four months left in 2019. Earth Overshoot Day is a good indicator of where we’re currently at in the fight against climate change and it’s a great initiative by people who try to give helpful advice on how we can move that date so one day in the (hopefully) near future we’ll reach overshoot day not before the end of the year or even in a new year.
  • Chrome 76 brings the prefers-color-scheme media query (e.g. for dark mode support) and multiple simplifications for PWA installation.



Web Performance

  • Some experiments sound silly but in reality, they’re not: Chris Ashton used the web for a day on a 50MB budget. In Zimbabwe, for example, where 1 GB costs an average of $75.20, ranging from $12.50 to $138.46, 50MB is incredibly expensive. So reducing your app bundle size, image size, and website cost are directly related to how happy your users are when they browse your site or use your service. If it costs them $3.76 (50MB) to access your new sports shoe teaser page, it’s unlikely that they will buy or recommend it.
  • BBC’s Toby Cox shares how they ditched iframes in favor of ShadowDOM to improve their site performance significantly. This is a good piece explaining the advantages and drawbacks of iframes and why adopting ShadowDOM takes time and still feels uncomfortable for most of us.
  • Craig Mod shares why people prefer to choose (and pay for) fast software. People are grateful for it and are easily annoyed if the app takes too much time to start or shows a laggy user interface.
  • Harry Roberts explains the details of the “time to first byte” metric and why it matters.



  • With Chrome 76 we get the loading attribute which allows for native lazy loading of images just with HTML. It’s great to have a handy article that explains how to use, debug, and test it on your website today.
Lazy loading images of cats
No more custom lazy-loading code or a separate JavaScript library needed: Chrome 76 comes with native lazy loading built in. (Image credit)



  • Here’s a technical analysis of the Capital One hack. A good read for anyone who uses Cloud providers like AWS for their systems because it all comes down to configuring accounts correctly to prevent hackers from gaining access due to a misconfigured cloud service user role.


Work & Life

  • For a long time I believed that a strong team is made of stars — extraordinary world-class individuals who can generate and execute ideas at a level no one else can. These days, I feel that a strong team is the one that feels more like a close family than a constellation of stars. A family where everybody has a sense of predictability, trust and respect for each other. A family which deeply embodies the values the company carries and reflects these values throughout their work. But also a family where everybody feels genuinely valued, happy and ignited to create,” said Vitaly Friedman in an update thought recently and I couldn’t agree more.
  • How do you justify a job in a company that has a significant influence on our world and our everyday lives and that not necessarily with the best intentions? Meredith Whittaker wrote up her story of starting at Google, having an amazing time there, and now leaving the company because she couldn’t justify it anymore that Google is using her work and technology to get involved in fossil energy business, healthcare, governance, and transportation business — and not always with the focus on improving everyone’s lives or making our environment a better place to live in but simply for profit.
  • Synchronous meetings are a problem in nearly every company. They take a lot of time from a lot of people and disrupt any schedule or focused work. So here’s how Buffer switched to asynchronous meetings, including great tips and insights into why many tools out there don’t work well.
  • Actionable advice is what we usually look for when reading an article. However, it’s not always possible or the best option to write actionable advice and certainly not always a good idea to follow actionable advice blindly. That’s because most of the time actionable advice also is opinionated, tailored, customized advice that doesn’t necessarily fit your purpose. Sharing experiences instead of actionable advice fosters creativity so everyone can find their own solution, their own advice.
  • Sam Clulow’s “Our Planet, Our Problem” is a great piece of writing that reminds us of who we are and what’s important for us and how we can live in a city and switch to a better, more thoughtful and natural life.
  • Climate change is a topic all around the world now and it seems that many people are concerned about it and want to take action. But then, last month we had the busiest air travel day ever in history. Airplanes are accountable for one of the biggest parts of climate active emissions, so it’s key to reduce air travel as much as possible from today on. Coincidentally, this was also the hottest week measured in Europe ever. We as individuals need to finally cut down on flights, regardless of how tempting that next $50-holiday-flight to a nice destination might be, regardless of if it’s an important business meeting. What do we have video conferencing solutions for? Why do people claim to work remotely if they then fly around the world dozens of times in their life? There are so many nice destinations nearby, reachable by train or, if needed, by car.
Update from a team member of what happened during the week and what he’s working on
The team at Buffer shares what worked and what didn’t work for them when they switched to asynchronous meetings. (Image credit)

Going Beyond…

  • Leo Babauta shares a tip on how to stop overthinking by cutting through indecision. We will never have the certainty we’d like to have in our lives so it’s quite good to have a strategy for dealing with uncertainty. As I’m struggling with this a lot, I found the article helpful.
  • The ethical practices that can serve as a code of conduct for data sensemaking professionals are built upon a single fundamental principle. It is the same principle that medical doctors swear as an oath before becoming licensed: Do no harm. Here’s “Ethical Data Sensemaking.”
  • Paul Hayes shares his experience from trying to live plastic-free for a month and why it’s hard to stick to it. It’s surprising how shopping habits need to be changed and why you need to spend your money in a totally different way and cannot rely on online stores anymore.
  • Oil powers the cars we drive and the flights we take, it heats many of our homes and offices. It is in the things we use every day and it plays an integral role across industries and economies. Yet it has become very clear that the relentless burning of fossil fuels cannot continue unabated. Can the world be less reliant on oil?
  • Uber and Lyft admit that they’re making traffic congestion worse in cities. Next time you use any of those new taxi apps, try to remind yourself that you’re making the situation worse for many people in the city.

Thank you for reading. If you like what I write, please consider supporting the Web Development Reading List.


Smashing Editorial (cm)

Monthly Web Development Update 7/2019: Modern Techniques And Good Trouble

Monthly Web Development Update 7/2019: Modern Techniques And Good Trouble

Monthly Web Development Update 7/2019: Modern Techniques And Good Trouble

Anselm Hannemann

What can we do to cause “good trouble”? First of all, I think it needs to be friendly, helpful and meaningful actions that don’t impact other peoples’ lives. Secondly, it’s something we strongly believe in — it might be using simpler JavaScript methods, reducing the application size, a better toggle UI, publishing a book or building a business without selling user data to others. Whatever it is, it’s good to have a standpoint of view and talk about it.

It’s good to advocate others about accessibility problems, about how to listen better to others in a conversation, how to manage projects, products or even a company better. The most important thing on all these actions is to remember that they are helping other people and not impacting them as well as animals or our environment in general.

Doing something useful — as small as it might seem — is always a good thing. And don’t forget to honor your action just by smiling and being thankful for what you did!


  • Chrome 76 removes a couple of things like feature policy: lazyload, insecure usage of DeviceMotionEvent and the DeviceOrientationEvent. If you use them, please ensure you use a secure context by now or replace them by their successors.
  • Firefox 68 is out and this is new: BigInts for JavaScript, Accessibility Checks in DevTools, CSS Scroll Snapping and Marker Styling, access to cameras, microphones, and other media devices is no longer allowed in insecure contexts like plain HTTP. It’s now possible to resend a network request without editing the method, URL, parameters, and headers via DevTools, and a lot of (compatibility) fixes are included for CSS features as well.
  • Chrome 76 brings image support for the async clipboard API, making it easy to programmatically copy and paste image/png (currently, this is the only supported format though, unfortunately) images.
  • Tracking prevention is now available in Microsoft Edge preview, following other browsers like Safari and Firefox.


  • Have you heard of the concept of “good trouble”? Frank Chimero defines it as questioning and re-imagining the status quo, and having your actions stand in contrast to the norm. But the interview with the designer shows much more than a new concept, it’s challenging how we work today and how to do your own thing that doesn’t match the norm of the society.

Particularly, I like this quote here:

“Slow down, find a quiet place and create time for solitude so you can hear yourself. It’s so noisy out there.”
  • What if control is only an illusion? We would realize that the true nature of an experience is revealed only in the interplay with the people who use it and that an invalidated design is nothing but an opinion. Quite a thought that puts our assumptions and approach on projects into a different light.





Work & Life

  • Active Listening is a skill that helps us listening for meaning, and how the other person is feeling instead of that usual listening that focuses on ‘how can I reply or comment on this or how will we solve this?’. Buffer’s guide written by Marcus Wermuth is a great resource to learn and practice Active Listening.
  • Christoph Rumpel shares what he learned from self-publishing a book and shows interesting insights into finances of it and what to avoid or do better.
  • Ben Werdmüller on doing well while doing good: This is a personal story about struggling with revenue, investments, third-party capital, trying to earn money on your own by selling your product while having free competitors and how to still produce good things while doing financially well.
  • Shape Up — Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters is a new, free online book by Ryan Singer about project management, leading a company and product. It’s amazing and while I only had time to flick through it quickly and read some individual chapters and sections, this will definitely become a resource to save and refer to regularly.

Going Beyond…

I was in the cinema last week to watch a movie about some people who created a farm. The trailer was nice and while I wasn’t 100% convinced of it, it was an evening where I was up to go out to watch a movie. So I did and it was good that I went to see “The Biggest Little Farm”. The farmer made the film himself as he’s a wildlife filmmaker so expect some quite stunning pictures and sequences of wildlife animals in there!

The most revealing part was how much of an impact only a handful of people can make out of desert land in a few years of time, and how much we as humans can influence wildlife, give a habitat to insects, and produce quality food while including CO2 from the air into our soil to make plants grow better, in order to restore nature and make an impact in the effort to fight climate change.

At several points during the movie, I was close to tears and I was extremely thankful that I’m able to have my little garden space as well where I can do similar things (though way smaller than their farm). If you’re up for something new, to learn something about food, meat, economy and how it all connects or how to create a beautiful green space out of desert, this movie is for you.

Last but not least, solar panels are a good way to produce renewable energy and it’s good usage of roofs. In China though, air pollution is currently so bad that solar panels sometimes stop working. Another reason to act quickly! If solar panels don’t work due to missing sunrays, our bodies will suffer the same lack of sunlight and we need it for our health.

Smashing Editorial (il)

Monthly Web Development Update 6/2019: Rethinking Privacy And User Engagement

Monthly Web Development Update 6/2019: Rethinking Privacy And User Engagement

Monthly Web Development Update 6/2019: Rethinking Privacy And User Engagement

Anselm Hannemann

Last week I read about the web turning into a dark forest. This made me think, and I’m convinced that there’s hope in the dark forest. Let’s stay positive about how we can contribute to making the web a better place and stick to the principle that each one of us is able to make an impact with small actions. Whether it’s you adding Webmentions, removing tracking scripts from a website, recycling plastic, picking up trash from the street to throw it into a bin, or cycling instead of driving to work for a week, we all can make things better for ourselves and the people around us. We just have to do it.


  • Safari went ahead by introducing their new Intelligent Tracking Protection and making it the new default. Now Firefox followed, enabling their Enhanced Tracking Protection by default, too.
  • Chrome 75 brings support for the Web Share API which is already implemented in Safari. Latency on canvas contexts has also been improved.
  • The Safari Technology Preview Release 84 introduced Safari 13 features: warnings for weak passwords, dark mode support for iOS, support for aborting Fetch requests, FIDO2-compliant USB security keys with the Web Authentication standard, support for “Sign In with Apple” (for Safari and WKWebView). The Visual Viewport API, ApplePay in WKWebView, screen sharing via WebRTC, and an API for loading ES6 modules are also supported from now on.
  • There’s an important update to Apple’s AppStore review guidelines that requires developers to offer “Sign In with Apple” in their apps in case they support third-party sign-in once the service is available to the public later this year.
  • Firefox 67 is out now with the Dark Mode CSS media query, WebRender, and side-by-side profiles that allow you to run multiple instances parallelly. Furthermore, enhanced privacy controls are built in against crypto miners and fingerprinting, as well as support for AV1 on Windows, Linux, and macOS for videos, String.prototype.matchAll(), and dynamic imports.


  • The web relies on so many open-source projects, and, yet, here’s what it looks like to live off an open-source budget. Most authors are below the poverty line, forced to live in cheaper countries or not able to make a living at all from their public service of providing reliable, open software for others who then use it commercially.
  • We all know that annoying client who ignores your knowledge and gets creative on their own. As a developer, Holger Bartel experienced it dozens of times; now he found himself in the same position, having ordered a fine drink and then messed it up.


  • With so many dark patterns built into the software and websites we use daily, Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga call for a tech diet for users.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Netflix Nutrition Facts.
“Dark patterns try to manipulate users to engage further, deeper, or longer on a site or app. The world needs a tech diet, and designers can help make it a reality. (Image credit)


  • The CSS feature for truncating multi-line text has been implemented in Firefox. -webkit-line-clamp: 3;, for example, will truncate text at the end of line three.



  • Anil Dash tries to find an answer to the question if we can trust a company in 2019.
  • Kevin Litman-Navarro analyzed over 150 privacy policies and shares his findings in a visual story. Not only does it take about 15 minutes on average to read a privacy policy, but most of them require a college degree or even professional career to understand them.
  • Our view on privacy hasn’t changed much since the 18th century, but the circumstances are different today: Companies have a wild appetite to store more and more data about more people in a central place — data that was once exclusively accessible by state authorities. We should redefine what privacy, personal data, and consent are, as Maciej Cegłowski argues in “The new wilderness.”
  • The people at WebKit are very active when it comes to developing clever solutions to protect users without compromising too much on usability and keeping the interests of publishers and vendors in mind at the same time. Now they introduced “privacy preserving ad click attribution for the web,” a technique that limits the data which is sent to third parties while still providing useful attribution metrics to advertisers.
An overview of how hard privacy policies are to read and how much time it requires to do so. Most privacy policies are college and professional career level. Only one is comprehensible on a Middle School level.
Most privacy policies on the web are harder to read than Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History Of Time,” as Kevin Litman-Navarro found out by examining 150 privacy policies. (Image credit)


  • Brad Frost describes a great way to reduce motion on websites (of animated GIFs, for example), using the picture element and its media query feature.


  • The IP Geolocation API is an open-source real-time IP to Geolocation JSON API with detailed countries data integration that is based on the Maxmind Geolite2 database.
  • Pascal Landau wrote a step-by-step tutorial on how to build a Docker development setup for PHP projects, and yes, it contains everything you might need to apply it to your own projects.

Work & Life

  • Roman Imankulov from Doist shares insights into decision-making in a flat organization.
  • As a society, we’re overworked, have too many belongings, yet crave for more, and companies only exist to grow indefinitely. This is how we kick-started climate change in the past century and this is how we got more people than ever into burn-outs, depressions, and various other health issues, including work-related suicides. Philipp Frey has a bold theory that breaks with our current system: A research by Nässén and Larsson suggests that a 1% decrease in working hours could lead to a 0.8% decrease in GHG emissions. Taking it further, the paper suggests that working 12 hours a week would allow us to easily achieve climate goals, if we’re also changing the economy to not entirely focus on growth anymore. An interesting study as it explores new ways of working, living, and consuming.
  • Leo Babauta shares a method that helps you acknowledge when you’re tired. It’s hard to accept, but we are humans and not machines, so there are times when we feel tired and our batteries are low. The best way to recover is realizing that this is happening and focusing on it to regain some energy.
  • Many of us are trying to achieve some minutes or hours of “deep work” a day. Fadeke Adegbuyi’s “The Complete Guide to Deep Work” shares valuable tips to master it.

Going Beyond…

  • People who live a “zero waste” life are often seen as extreme, but this is only one point of view. Here’s the other side where one of the “extreme” persons reminds us that it used to be normal to go to a farmer’s market to buy things that aren’t packed in plastic, to ride a bike, and drink water from a public fountain. Instead, our consumerism has become quite extreme and needs to change if we want to survive and stay healthy.
  • Sweden wants to become climate neutral by 2045, and now they presented an interesting visualization of the plan. It’s designed to help policymakers identify and fill in gaps to ensure that the goal will be achieved. The visualization is open to the public, so anyone can hold the government accountable.
  • Everybody loves them, many have them: AirPods. However, they are an environmental disaster, as this article shows.
  • The North Face tricking Wikipedia is advertising’s dark side.
  • The New York Times published a guide which helps us understand our impact on climate change based on the food we eat. This is not about going vegan but how changing eating habits can make a difference, both to the environment and our own health.
Smashing Editorial (cm)

Monthly Web Development Update 5/2019: Over-Complication And Performative Workaholism

Monthly Web Development Update 5/2019: Over-Complication And Performative Workaholism

Monthly Web Development Update 5/2019: Over-Complication And Performative Workaholism

Anselm Hannemann

This week, I was at the amazing beyondtellerrand conference once again, and every single time I come home from such an event, I try to understand our industry and our society better. There’s so much input and inspiration around, I meet a lot of friends and people I see only once a year, I listen to great talks. People tell me how frustrated they are with their jobs, we hear amazing stories of people who seem to have an amazing life, we hear people moaning about bad players on the web, but rarely do we hear real insights or solutions.

Presentations highlighting the good parts and uncommon paths in life are quite rare, but one of the exceptions is Rob Draper’s beyondtellerand talk in which he shares his story and how an unexpected series of events created the role he is in today. And, well, I’m glad that there are amazing people who believe in humans and share how we all as individuals can do something to have a better job and life: It might be as Stephen Hay suggests to trust your own ideas, building your own website and social system, or, as my good friend Andy is doing it, building a non-profit initiative to build schools in Africa, a project into which he invests not only a lot of time but money as well.

It’s great to see these visions of a better world, and it feels like a good community to be in. The web is so much more than just a space to build technical solutions and write code; it’s a place to create helpful, meaningful, and beautiful individual things.


  • Let’s make things official: Safari 12.1 now supports Dark Mode. Check the full article for how to apply it to your pages or take a look at one of the sites like Twitter or Colloq that already support it. Safari’s Developer Tools feature a debug mode for Dark Mode now as well.
  • Chrome 74 is public. The new version lets us detect if a user requested reduced motion and the Feature Policy API got updates, too, so now we can request document.featurePolicy.allowedFeatures() for all allowed features, allowsFeature() for single features, or document.featurePolicy.getAllowlistForFeature() for a domain list that gets the allowed features.
  • Googlebot is evergreen now. This means that Google’s search crawler gets the newest Chromium version automatically. From now on, it supports ES6, ECMAScript Modules and newer functionality and understands lazy-loaded content via IntersectionObserver and the WebComponents v1 APIs. It might be time to drop our ES6 transpilers soon.
  • The Web Share API is a nice addition to make more use of websites. And while it has been available on Chrome for Android for quite some time now, Safari is bringing the feature to macOS and iOS in its latest version.


  • Stefan Judis shares a roundup article on how to keep the web a safe place, making it affordable and fast and tailoring the response to the user — all with HTTP headers. A good read for everybody as we all tend to forget about these things in our daily work.
  • The annual Mozilla 2019 Internet Health Report examines how humanity and the internet intersect. Here’s the report itself with some short answers for those who don’t want to read it completely.
  • On-call rotation is a common thing in tech, and I know that a lot of teams struggle with it. That’s why I found this guide on “On-call at any size” quite informative and useful. It explains how to prepare and what to do — no matter if you’re a small team or part of a big corporation.
  • Emily Shaffer shares how to annotate regular expressions to make them comprehensible for others as well.
Stick figures showing how many people are online and how many offline in which part of the world. Most people who are online come from Asian and Pacific countries, followed by the Americas.
If there were only 100 people in the world, who would be online? That’s only one of the questions which Mozilla’s Internet Health Report 2019 answers. (Image credit)


Paths to simplification illustrated with circles and arrows. Subtract, Consolidate, Redistribute, Prioritize, Clarify.
How do you fix the UX of a product that has become overly complicated? Patrick Faller shows paths to simplification. (Image credit)


  • GitHub is completing the experience by integrating their own npm registry (but also ruby, Docker, Maven, NuGet) into the platform. This is a huge step as it makes publishing custom and private packages a lot easier.



  • The Google AMP project announced that they’re going to “simplify” AMP domains in Google Chrome. This means that users would see the original URL in the browser bar while really being on a Google AMP server. An interesting approach, given the fact that this is something that browser vendors usually don’t allow in order to prevent URL spoofing.


  • stylelint-a11y is a plugin for stylelint that enforces accessibility best practices via the CSS linter.



Work & Life

  • How do productivity and promises correlate? In times of constant demands, too much work to do, and blurry information about priorities and different senses of urgency, you can hardly blame people for breaking with their promises anymore. If we’re constantly confronted with other people’s expectations like “please get back to me by 1 PM today”, how can we stick to our original schedule for the day and be productive? Should we ignore such external demands and say “we had better things to do” than replying to the non-urgent but urgency-creating email “in time”? It definitely takes some courage to do so, but in the end, this is what productivity is about: sticking to a schedule and dedicating focus time to one single task.
  • When did performative workaholism become a lifestyle? The New York Times takes a closer at the culture of business, hustling, and the weird love we develop for working faster and more. But what about our lives when we work for 12 or 18 hours a day? And what about that promise that automation will take off the work from us?
  • Do you do standup calls? Here’s why this is a costly thing that even hurts your teammates’ efficiency.
  • Stop being so busy and just do nothing. Trust us.” This claim in the New York Times has its reasons: In a world of stress and an environment where we embrace working all day, we need to remember to stop and take time for ourselves.
  • We love to tend to make judgments about other people’s work. That’s why we tend to declare something as “low-hanging fruit,” assuming that the task is easy to do and doesn’t take much time or effort. But we forget that we might miss a couple of circumstances and it might become a bigger task than anticipated. Jason Fried says that we should be careful when we use the word “easy” to describe other people’s jobs.
  • The founder of ConvertKit, Nathan Barry, shares a couple of insights into how they run the business in an unconventional way: They pay standardized salaries, make their revenue public, and distribute 60% of company profits to the team.
Screenshot from the New York Times article ‘Why are young people pretending to love work’. Under the heading, there’s a propaganda-poster style illustration of three young people holding laptops, phones, and tablets, making a fist with their right hand. The background of the poster says ‘Hustle’.
When did performative workaholism become a lifestyle? The New York Times dedicated an article to the topic. (Image credit)

Going Beyond…

  • “If anything about this age is rare, perhaps it is the possibility that our fraught networked systems have finally reached such a unique point, with their environmental and social consequences so visibly intertwined, that they have become impossible to ignore.” — Ingrid Burrington in “A rare and toxic age.”
  • Let’s hand over the best possible. The best environment for the next generation. The best work for the employees that take over work from you. Keep it at heart for every aspect of life, and you’ll see that it makes a difference. To other people and to you. It feels good to do good.
  • What’s low-tech, sustainable, and possibly the most effective thing we can do to fight climate change? Planting trees. A trillion of them.
  • What are we doing to our earth? It seems despite the rising awareness of plastic pollution, global sales of plastic and glass bottles, cans, and cartons are still rising. There are so many alternatives, can we please stop buying one-time plastic packaging and coffee to-go — each of us, now?
  • When we feel overloaded, we tend to lash out at someone in frustration and anger. This comes from the hope that things will be calm, orderly, simple, solid, and under control. However, the world doesn’t comply with this hope, as it is chaotic, constantly changing, never fixed, groundless. So we get anxious and angry at others. But we can create a habit of calm when feeling frustrated.
  • What energy impact does your phone, that small screen you hold in your hands every day, have? We use video calls, messengers, or upload our photos to the cloud. But all the cloud services, the 4G network itself use a huge amount of energy that we tend to forget about. This article dives deeper into the dependencies of using a smartphone these days, and why it matters to save data and reduce your phone usage — and if it’s just for your own sake.

One more thing: If you like my reading lists, please consider making a donation. Donating to Makuyuni counts as well.


Smashing Editorial (cm)

Monthly Web Development Update 4/2019: Design Ethics And Clarity Over Style

Monthly Web Development Update 4/2019: Design Ethics And Clarity Over Style

Monthly Web Development Update 4/2019: Design Ethics And Clarity Over Style

Anselm Hannemann

‘Ethics’ and Ethics” is more than a typical article. It’s a detailed essay exploring what the term ‘ethics’ really means, how its meaning changed in recent times, and how diffusion of responsibility makes it hard to address and fix problems in big organizations.

Implementing design ethics, tech ethics, or business ethics as individual responsibilities might seem like a quick and easy solution, however, it’s not a very effective one as they all lack context when they don’t have support from other people who provide the foundation for their work. Only if a company’s business analysts, bookkeepers, investors, PR, marketing and sales people, as well as the CEO themself all contribute to building an ethical product, it will become successful. And because such an undertaking requires so many people to be on board, it’s rarely seen out in the wild.

How much effort and good will it takes to build a company that follows an ethical approach, is illustrated in the book It doesn’t have to be crazy at work by Basecamp’s Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. It helps us understand why it’s so much easier to build a non-ethical company and why even if a couple of people in a team strive for better ethics, the product or company won’t reflect this individual path yet. To help us do better, Oliver Reichenstein, the author of the article which I mentioned in the beginning, also shares a very interesting approach: designers might want to start to consider philosophy to encourage ethical thinking and advocate for values and ethics in their everyday work.


  • We heard the announcement some months ago, and now the first builds are out: Microsoft’s new Chromium-based Edge browser is here. So what does that mean for front-end developers?
  • Safari 12.1 is included in macOS Mojave 10.14.4 and iOS 12.2 and with it, all users get Dark Mode for the Web, Intelligent Tracking Prevention 2.1, Payment Request API improvements, WebRTC improvements, Intersection Observer support, Web Share API, color input, and <datalist> support.
  • Firefox 66 has been released. From now on, autoplaying sounds will be blocked by default, and the Touch Bar on macOS is supported, too.


  • Humane by Design is an essential resource about focusing your design decisions on user well-being. It provides ideas and helpful resources about transparency, empowering people, fostering inclusiveness, showing respect, and making thoughtful decisions. A valuable website for any project or product you are in charge of or work on.
  • What does it look like when you try to use a browser just ten years old today? The browser’s start page returns a 404 error, Google works but returns a no-script version — not deliberately but because JavaScript errors out —, YouTube doesn’t work without even showing an error, and creating accounts at any of the big services isn’t a pleasant experience at all. This article is not only enlightening but also reveals a lot of details we can take care of to make our web projects more sustainable and available for more people, regardless of which browser they use.


Eight pitfalls that complicate a design
When designing a product, there are quite some pitfalls that can make a simple task overly complicated. Taras Bakusevych summarized what you need to watch out for. (Image credit)

Web Performance

  • Chrome 73 now supports imagesrcset and imagesizes attributes on link rel=preload elements.


  • Spectral is a flexible open-source JSON linter with out-of-the-box support for the OpenAPI specification and, as such, promotes consistency in API designs.


  • This article explains why all your Alexa traffic is analyzed and probably listened to by someone who works on the product software to help the voice-activated assistant respond to commands.


Illustration of a fire extingisher extinguishing matches
JavaScript can be a performance liability and, thus, we need to use it responsibly. Jeremy Wagner shares tips for doing so. (Image credit)

Work & Life

Going Beyond…

  • It’s impossible to reach everyone, even for giants like Google or Facebook. Seth Godin on why reaching almost no one is fine if you ask yourself which no one. Your smallest viable audience holds you to account. It forces a focus and gives you nowhere to hide.
  • Google Maps is one of the products most of us use daily. And yet it’s the one product by Google that doesn’t make money — yet. As it seems, its makers are now trying to include ads into Maps to bring more profits to Alphabet.
  • George Monbiot wrote an article on “how the media let malicious idiots take over”. To make it clearer, let me quote the following paragraph:
    “If our politics is becoming less rational, crueller and more divisive, this rule of public life is partly to blame: the more disgracefully you behave, the bigger the platform the media will give you. If you are caught lying, cheating, boasting or behaving like an idiot, you’ll be flooded with invitations to appear on current affairs programmes. If you play straight, don’t expect the phone to ring.”
  • Mallen Baker explains why the environment is too important to leave to environmentalists and what we can do to make our lives worth living and create a surrounding that works for humans.
  • It’s hard to believe in theory, but in practice, it’s very easy to make unethical choices, deliberately. This article asks what drives people to make unethical choices. Sticking to your own ethical beliefs is hard when society is embracing something different — at least that’s what we tend to see from the filtered media and social media bubble. However, if we talk to people directly, I think it’s different. Many people share the same ethical beliefs and would condemn unethical behavior if it would be transparent and public. The private/unseen is what makes it easier for people to go beyond their values, supercharged by the allurement of money or getting a higher status and reputation in society.
Smashing Editorial (cm)

Monthly Web Development Update 3/2019: React Hooks, Constructable Stylesheets, And Building Trust

Monthly Web Development Update 3/2019: React Hooks, Constructable Stylesheets, And Building Trust

Monthly Web Development Update 3/2019: React Hooks, Constructable Stylesheets, And Building Trust

Anselm Hannemann

Do you sometimes feel like there’s so much to read and learn that your brain can’t take it anymore? It’s something most of us experience from time to time when we have too much to do and then overload our brains with even more. I’m aware that my reading lists aren’t helpful in that regard, as they contain even more things to learn. But it’s the very reason why I try to compile a diverse, open-minded set of articles that aren’t entirely frontend- or tech-related. And in weeks like this one where there aren’t too many articles for me to summarize, I realize how relieving this can be. Let’s give our brains the chance to wind down a bit when it tells us to and use the opportunity to reconsider how we do work.

Think about how you approach tasks, for example. Do you ask for more details when you’re given a specific task? Do you figure out how to do it yourself? Or are you just following the task’s details? Only doing the latter will get things done, of course. But it’ll also increase the risk that you forget about necessary details, as a study on storing passwords reveals now. If there’s nothing in the task description about hashing a password, for example, many people will not apply it, even if they know it’s the better solution. Or take the process of building a website: If we forget to add the correct caching, server costs will be unnecessarily high, and performance will suffer. It’s these little extra steps of thinking that make the difference between good, solid work and “just getting stuff done”.


  • Chrome 74 brings some new features to DevTools: It now highlights all elements that are affected by a CSS property, Lighthouse 4 is integrated into the Audits panel, and a WebSocket binary message viewer has been added, too.
  • Intersection Observer is still quite new and yet Chrome developers are currently introducing version 2 to tackle some common problems and implement learnings from the first version. Here’s what’s going to change in Intersection Observer v2.


  • It’s easy to forget about it, but even today we often build non-diverse solutions in many areas of life. This article shows how that happens with car crash test dummies that neglect women.
  • Voice is becoming more and more important in our lives, mainly because we use more devices without real display interfaces today — Homepod, Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, or Amazon Echo. Mozilla teamed up with institutes from around the world to create an open-source pool of high-quality voices that helps teach machines how real people speak.
  • “In our modern world, it’s easy to junk things up. Simple is hard. We’re quick to add more questions to research surveys, more buttons to a digital interface, more burdens to people”. Kate Clayton explores how to be an elegant simplifier.
  • “People think that data is in the cloud, but it’s not. It’s in the ocean.” Let’s dive deep into how communication works and how it came to be that Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon own more than half of the undersea bandwidth. The article shows how the Internet depends on these big four companies nowadays and that we’d face massive struggles and performance impacts if we avoided them.
  • Jason Miller wrote an introduction to rendering on the web, summarizing what happens when a user accesses a website through a modern browser. There’s a lot to learn in here.
Map of the world showing undersea internet cables in 2021
Data is not in the cloud. It’s in the ocean. And more than half of the undersea bandwidth is owned by Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. (Image credit)


  • Anand Satyan explains why it’s important to start designing without color first. It helps you understand the structure of data and layout better and often results in cleaner, more consistent designs.
  • Brad Frost wrote about the importance of providing forms that are simple, not clever, especially if you want users to log in.
  • Nikita Prokopov tried to analyze and redesign Github’s repository page. While I don’t like the final result too much, there are a lot of great takeaways from improving existing design patterns and the user experience with simple methods.



  • Constructable Stylesheets is a new way of initializing an external stylesheet or set of styles in a non-blocking way. This new approach allows us to dynamically construct stylesheets via JavaScript which is especially useful when we use it for Web Components in a ShadowDOM. The feature is available in Chrome Preview builds currently.
  • Rachel Andrew explains how we’re going to break boxes with the new CSS Fragmentation specification. With CSS Fragmentation, we can do things we used to do with float, but it’s more flexible and helps us control page breaks and other things relevant for print or eBooks.
  • This CSS-only experiment is mind-blowing. I’m seriously impressed and wouldn’t have imagined that we can do something like this with CSS today.


Web Performance


  • Ben Robertson shares five tools we can use for automated accessibility audits. This is great because it allows us to use these tools in CIs, in regression testing (e.g., via Selenium or Chrome/Firefox headless browsers), or directly in our browsers.
  • Alex Carpenter summarized takeaways from WebAIM’s recent accessibility analysis of the top one million sites: 59% of form inputs are unlabeled and, thus, not accessible. Making them accessible for everyone wouldn’t be hard at all. It’s as easy as wrapping the input and describing it, for example like this: <label>Name<input name="name"></label> Of course, there are even better labeling practices out there, but this would already be enough to make a difference for all users of a website, not only those who rely on assistive technologies.
  • Accessibility Insights is a new platform service that provides developers with tools to analyze the accessibility of their web projects.
Cartoon cat and a laptop which is running the Accessibility Insights extension
The Accessibility Insights extension helps you spot accessibility errors and shows how to fix them. (Image credit)

Work & Life

  • How do we build trust as leaders? Claire Lew shares why business retreats and team building activities don’t matter much compared to the things that really make a difference: showing vulnerability, communicating the intent behind actions, and, finally, following through on commitments.
  • I found this article by Sahil Lavingia, the founder of Gumroad, very insightful. In it, he shares the failures, the struggles, and the bad decisions when getting Venture Capital, and why having a “normal” company is worth a thought, too, to prevent the whole thing from failing.
  • Our children are technology-focused and spend a lot of time in front of screens, playing games or watching videos. Pamela Paul advocates for letting our children get bored again.

Going Beyond…

Here’s one more thing: The periodic — yet not regular — reminder to give something back if you enjoy reading my writings and summary of articles. — Anselm

Smashing Editorial (cm)

Monthly Web Development Update 2/2019: Web Authentication And The Problem With UX

Monthly Web Development Update 2/2019: Web Authentication And The Problem With UX

Monthly Web Development Update 2/2019: Web Authentication And The Problem With UX

Anselm Hannemann

The only constant in life is change, they say. And it’s true, even if we think nothing changes at all. Whether you notice change or not is only a question of how you perceive and how you observe things. In the tech industry, it’s easy to see how fast things evolve — read a summary article like this one, and you’ll suddenly become aware of how much has happened in just one month. Since I took up meditation again, I gained a new perspective, and it helps me to deliberately appreciate such change and find personal value and gratefulness even in things that didn’t seem particularly positive at first.

Like this week, for example. I was reminded of a fact we usually forget: how the Internet is structured. If you browse the web, most traffic is directed through Amazon at some point, so if you block their servers, — or Google’s or Apple’s, or all of them —, there’s not much left of the Internet. I have used a Pi-Hole DNS blocker in my network for three years now, but never really appreciated it, until I learned about its real value this week — the security and privacy it provides considering our dependency on tech giants. Isn’t it remarkable how a big part of my perceived online security relies on one piece of open-source software that the authors spent so much time and efforts on to provide it for free in the end?


  • Firefox 65 was released. The new version dispatches events on disabled HTML elements and comes with support for the referrerpolicy attribute on script elements, CSS environment variables (the env() function), Intl.RelativeTimeFormat for JavaScript, and WebP images.
  • Safari Tech Preview 74 brings abortable fetch, support for U2F HID Authenticators on macOS, and new Web Authentication API features.
  • With Chrome 72, Chrome introduced the User Activation API. The new version also disallows popups on pageunload.
  • The Chrome 72 update for Android shipped the long-awaited Trusted Web Activity feature, which means we can now distribute PWAs in the Google Play Store.
  • Safari 12.1 release notes are up (iOS 12.2, macOS 10.14.4). What’s new? Dark mode for the web, intelligent tracking prevention, the push notification prompt for Safari on macOS now requires a user gesture, motion and orientation settings on iOS to enable DeviceMotionEvent and DeviceOrientationEvent (this means it’s disabled by default now). Also new are the Intersection Observer API, Web Share API, and the <datalist> element.


  • Max Böck shares his thoughts on why simplicity is the most valuable and important thing in projects.
  • Ian Littman on Twitter: “Moving 50% of servers to PHP 7 from PHP 5 would save $2.5 (edited to 2.0) billion in energy costs per year, and avoid billions of kilograms of CO2 emissions. Upgrade to PHP 7. Save the planet.”
  • How did you start to learn web development? I guess most of us relied on our browsers’ “view source” functionality and still do. But with JavaScript SPAs and more tooling that mangles, minifies and uglifies sources, we block this road of self-education for countless people out there. Let’s move to a more open approach and at least provide source maps on production servers so that people can access the actual sources via Developer Tools.


Sketch of a face with the terms see, say and do, hear, think and feel floating around it
To create stellar user experiences we need to see our users as humans. (Image credit)


  • Sara Soueidan wrote a 101 course on SVG filters to help you understand what they are and how to use them to create your own visual effects.



  • Google is one of those companies which always find new, clever ways to expose user location data and sell it to third parties. Now Google wants to sell the exact location data of users to improve planning for urban planners, for example. Useful on the one hand, but still worrying for all users of Google products who might not be aware of what happens with their data.
  • I was wrong about Google and Facebook: there’s nothing wrong with them (so say we all),” says Aral Balkan. This piece explains how even the most honorable open-source projects struggle to make ethical choices and the fallacies of offering the best UX instead of promoting ethically correct solutions.

Web Performance

  • Jens Oliver Meiert shares his research on how the way you write HTML influences performance. Leaving out optional tags and quotes can make a difference, even though we’re able to use gzip or other techniques to optimize the document response in the browser.


Excerpt from the guide. It shows an illustration of a tiny woman who tries to prevent a giant wad of keys from tumbling over.
The Guide to Web Authentication is a handy introduction to securing sensitive information online. (Image credit)


Solar system built with CSS
Explore the solar system in Fabricius Seifert’s fantastic CSS experiment. (Image credit)

Work & Life

  • Paul Greenberg is in search of lost screen time and explores what our lives could look like and how much more time we’d have if we escaped the screens. There are some revealing numbers in the article: The average American spends $14,000 per decade on smartphones. That’s $70,000 over the course of an average working life. More than 29% of Americans would rather give up sex for three months than give up their smartphone for a single week. Or you could plant 150 trees and buy half an acre of land for the amount of money you’d spent on your smartphone and apps per year.
  • Are you a patient person? Regardless of if you are or not, the experiment that Jason Fried wants to try is certainly a challenge: Try to pick the longest line at the supermarket, cancel Amazon Prime so that delivery takes longer, and take the chance to wait whenever possible. Embrace slowness.
  • In Praise of Extreme Moderation” shares an interesting perspective on why the culture of over-committing, over-working, and over-delivering in all areas of life isn’t healthy, and how we can shift towards a more moderate, calmer path.

Going Beyond…

  • It must be free.” On services we obviously don’t need but want to have. My essay about the importance of seeing value in the things we really need and why less is more.
  • How can we make our lives better? By maintaining essential relationships, avoiding technology, and embracing values instead of lifehacks, says Eric Barker.
  • Watch this talk of Greta Thunberg, a sixteen-year-old woman who tells all the well-known and influential people out there that she doesn’t care about money and why we need to view climate change from a perspective like hers — her life is in danger and no money will be able to save it. We need more people like her who aren’t led by corporate or financial rules.
Smashing Editorial (cm)

Monthly Web Development Update 1/2019: Rethinking Habits And Finding Custom Solutions

Monthly Web Development Update 1/2019: Rethinking Habits And Finding Custom Solutions

Monthly Web Development Update 1/2019: Rethinking Habits And Finding Custom Solutions

Anselm Hannemann

What could be better than starting the new year with some new experiments? Today I figured it was time to rethink JavaScript tooling in one of my projects. And since we wrote everything in plain ECMAScript modules already, I thought it would be easy to serve them natively now and remove all the build and transpilation steps. Until I realized that — although we wrote most code ourselves — we have a couple of third-party dependencies in there and, of course, not all of them are ECMAScript modules. So for now, I have to give up my plans to remove all the build steps and continue to bundle and transpile things, but I’ll try to figure out a better solution to modernize and simplify our tooling setup while providing a smaller bundle to our users.

Another experiment: Just a few weeks ago I had to build a simple “go to the top of the page” button for a website. I used requestAnimationFrame and similar stuff to optimize event handling, but today I found a way nicer and more efficient solution that uses IntersectionObserver to toggle the button on the viewport. You will find that article in the JavaScript section below. The reason I wanted to share these little stories is because I believe that the most important thing is that we review our habits and current solutions and see whether there are better, newer, simpler ideas that could improve a product. Keep playing, keep researching, and be sure to rethink existing systems from time to time.



Web Performance


Infographic showing how authentication and verification work without a password
Passwordless authentication? The WebAuthn API makes it possible. (Image credit)


An example text with randomly generated underlines.
Una Kravet’s “super underline” example uses randomly generated underlines for each element. Made possible with Houdini and the Paint API. (Image credit)

Work & Life

  • “Feeling a sense of accomplishment is an important part of our sense of self-worth. Beating up on yourself because you think you could have accomplished more can dent your confidence and self-esteem and leave you feeling depleted at the end of the day.” Lisa Evans shares what we can do to avoid falling into that trap.
  • Itamar Turner-Trauring shares his thoughts on how to get a job with a good work-life balance when you’re competing against people who are willing to work long hours.
  • Is it a good idea to provide healthcare and treatment based on digital products like apps? And if so, what are the requirements, the standards for this? How can we ensure this is done ethically correct? How do we set the limits, the privacy boundaries, how far do we allow companies to go with experiments here? Would personalized content be fine? Is it okay to share data collected from our devices with healthcare providers or insurances? These are questions we will have to ask ourselves and find an individual answer for.
  • This article about how Millenials became the burnout generation hit me hard this week. I see myself in this group of people described as “Millenials” (I do think it affects way more people than just the 20-year-olds) and I could relate to so many of the struggles mentioned in there that I now think that these problems are bigger than I ever imagined. They will affect society, politics, each individual on our planet. Given that fact, it’s crazy to hear that most people today will answer that they don’t have a friend they could talk to about their fears and anything else that disturbs them while two decades ago the average answer was still around five. Let’s assure our friends that we’re there for them and that they can talk to us about tough things. 2019 should be a year in which we — in our circle of influence — make it great to live in a human community where we can think with excitement and happiness about our friends, neighbors, and people we work with or talk to on the Internet.
  • We all try to accommodate so many things at the same time: being successful and productive at work, at home, with our children, in our relationships, doing sports, mastering our finances, and some hobbies. But we blindly ignore that it’s impossible to manage all that on the same level at the same time. We feel regret when we don’t get everything done in a specific timeframe such as at the end of a calendar year. Shawn Blanc argues that we should celebrate what we did do instead of feeling guilty for what we didn’t do.

Going Beyond…

  • There are words, and then there are words. Many of us know how harmful “just” can be as a word, how prescriptive, how passively aggressive it is. Tobias Tom challenges whether “should” is a useful word by examining the implicit and the result of using it in our daily language. Why “should” can be harmful to you and to what you want to achieve.
  • “We all know what we stand for. The trick is to state our values clearly — and to stand by them,” says Ben Werdmuller and points out how important it is to think about your very own red line that you don’t want to cross regardless of external pressure you might face or money you might get for it.
  • Exciting news for climate improvement this week: A team of arborists has successfully cloned and grown saplings from the stumps of some of the world’s oldest and largest coast redwoods, some of which were 3,000 years old and measured 35 feet in diameter when they were cut down in the 19th and 20th centuries. Earlier this month, 75 of the cloned saplings were planted at the Presidio National Park in San Francisco. What makes this so special is the fact that these ancient trees can sequester 250 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over their lives, compared to 1 ton for an average tree.
  • The ongoing technological development and strive to build new services that automate more and more things make it even more critical to emphasize human connection. Companies that show no effort in improving things for their clients, their employees, or the environment will begin to struggle soon, Ryan Paugh says.
  • We usually don’t expect much nice news about technology inventions from the car industry and their willingness to share it with others. But Toyota now has decided to share their automated safety system ‘Guardian’ with competitors. It uses self-driving technology to keep cars from crashing. “We will not keep it proprietary to ourselves only. But we will offer it in some way to others, whether that’s through licensing or actual whole systems,” says Gill Pratt from the company.

Thank you for reading! I’m happy to be back with this new edition of my Web Development Update in 2019 and grateful for all your ongoing support. It makes me happy to hear that so many people find this resource helpful. So if you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it with people you know, give me feedback, or support it with a small amount of money. —Anselm

Smashing Editorial (cm)