Analysis of Failure Modes in Producer-Consumer Systems

Producer-consumer patterns are used extensively in systems all around us. In producer-consumer pattern-based systems, producers write data that one or multiple consumers consume. This pattern allows producer systems to scale while distributing functionality among multiple consumer systems. Just like any other distributed system, the uptime of a producer-consumer system depends on how well it protects itself from the various failure modes and, when impacted, how quickly it can recover.

In this article, we analyze the various failure modes of producer-consumer systems, their impact, how we can detect the failures, mitigate them, and review the protections we can put in place to prevent the failure modes from happening.

Python Developer: Roles, Responsibilities, Skills, and Proficiency

The canonical, “Python is a great first language”, elicited, “Python is a great last language!” — Noah Spurrier

 A rising programming language in the IT scenario, one of the most popular amongst the developer community — Python needs no introduction. Python programming has been in demand and so has been the demand for skilled Python developers. Simply learning Python may not suffice for a developer, understanding Python in detail, learning about the roles and responsibilities, skills, and salaries are important too.

Enterprise Architecture – Building a Robust Business IT Landscape

Simple or ornate, the enterprise architecture forms the structure for IT.
“The goal of enterprise architecture is boundary-less information flow where all systems, IT and non-IT, interoperate.” – Allen Brown

Today, when technology has proven its necessity amongst almost all industry segments around the globe, digitalization seems to be having a great influence on enterprise architecture (EA). Businesses are expanding beyond enterprise limits and IT solutions are encompassing enterprise, clients, stakeholder, ecologies and more. At such times, it is tough to manage a traditional monolithic framework. Now is the time to have a process that offers enough space for planning and managing the entire digital wave.

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With this concept in mind, around the 1960s began the start of enterprise architecture. Initiated by Professor Dewey Walker and taken forward by his student John Zachmann, enterprise architecture found its entry into the tech world. Somewhere in the 1980s, enterprises realized that they would need a perfect planning approach to match pace with the fast-growing technological web. That gave further impetus to enterprise architecture, to extend beyond mere IT, trying to encompass all important ingredients of the business. The focus area was large organizations who are already in the digitization mode and need to have a seamless integration of legacy apps and processes.

.NET Framework vs .NET Core

Do you take the red pill or the blue pill?

.NET Framework vs .NET Core – This is an old and on-going debate about which run-time to use to develop software applications.

But, at the same time, we are also aware that .NET Core is adding new features and functionalities to simplify the development and testing of desktop, web, cloud, and mobile applications.

MVP Versus Prototype Versus POC – A Complex Choice of Strategy Made Simple

While implementing new ideas or new features in an existing system, most organizations are unable to decide what strategy to adopt for developing their product or evaluating the idea and its feasibility. The results every organization expects are a satisfied customer, the right transformation of ideas into an actual product, and better ROI.

The three fundamental strategies that organizations go for to achieve this in an initial stage are Proof-of-Concept (PoC), Prototype, and Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The dilemma when choosing an MVP, PoC, or Prototype can at times lead towards an incorrect selection. By doing so, an organization may end up leaking their finances, wasting their effort and time, and it may affect business growth overall.

DevOps Trends 2019: DevSecOps, Automation, and More To Attract All The Attention

“DevOps may help get applications out the door and into production in a fast and furious manner, but that’s not what makes such collaboration successful. Success is seen in the quality of the decisions made, and to achieve this quality, teams should be free to operate as autonomously as possible.” —Mark Schwartz, Enterprise Strategist at Amazon Web Services 

DevOps In 2019: Trends, Expectations, And Reality

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2018 has indeed been a year of agility. Many enterprises have chosen a DevOps approach and experienced a radical change. Shifting your focus from traditional to Agile is no longer a trend, especially for enterprises who have already adopted the Digital-Driven Mindset.

Serverless And Startups: Remodeling The Startups Landscape

What is Most Important For Startups?

Cost Effectiveness + Flexibility + Strong Technology Reliance + Powerful Idea = a Successful Startup!

Over time, there has been a massive change in software development methodologies. The technology stack is continuing to evolve with more powerful and advanced models, like intelligent customer assistance, cloud technology, machine learning, and immersive experiences. In order to achieve "more with less," a number of enterprises and startups are choosing serverless technologies.