How (NOT) to Fail With IoT and AI

The majority of the growing industrial companies today are betting their biggest bets on tackling diverse technology initiatives in the light of Industry 4.0 transformation. 

The IoT universe is manifesting newer forces that are erupting at breakneck speed. 

What’s Stopping the Democratization of AI?

With companies across industries waking up to the reality that adopting AI isn’t merely an option anymore, the question has shifted to how its adoption and implementation can be simplified. In other words, how does one break down the immensely tall barriers around the complicated world of AI and leverage the undeniable advantages it has to offer in terms of managing the scale and complexity of all the data that’s being gathered through the Internet of Things (IoT) already?

There’s no figment of doubt that it is indeed the need of the hour when every industry is fighting a losing battle with scale — the sheer magnitude of data streaming in from the millions (at times billions) of sensors, tools, and equipment.