Rust vs Go: Which Is Better?

It is a question every programmer and developer has asked, and many others still ask, even when they have made their own decision. Rust vs. Go: Which one should I choose in 2023? Or which language to choose: Golang or Rust?

Golang and Rust are the youngest programming languages in use today. Go was launched at Google in 2009, and followed by Go, Rust was launched at Mozilla in 2010. Selecting the ideal programming language is seen as an important preference to prosper in this dynamic environment. The situation is very complex for programmers to select any one language over the other and develop reliable and systematic applications. Developers are always updated with emerging technology, and they can easily deal with the regularly changing mechanisms.

Deno vs. NodeJS: A Must-Have Comparison

JavaScript is not a new name. It is the most popular and frequently used data processing language that runs on every system. Many developers have been extensively skilled in the JavaScript language, and thus it has been continuously improving and evolving.

Node.js has been a widely used platform that successfully represents JavaScript everywhere. We have to admit that Node.js has transformed the screenplay of web development and allows developers to use JavaScript for backend development. Node.js has a large number of users with the largest developer community. 

Open-Source Platforms For AR and VR

Aside from gaming, augmented reality (AR) tools and virtual reality (VR) tools are employed in several industries, and they have many beneficial applications. In today’s article, we will outline some of the most useful open-source platforms for AR and VR that can help developers and non-developers implement these technologies.

Without wasting any more time, let’s move ahead and learn in detail about AR and VR technologies as well as a few relevant platforms that are free and open-source.