Application Development for Embedded Systems

Embedded systems are growing smarter and intelligent across embedded domains. Thanks to the remarkable advancements in the field of electronics, especially wireless communication technologies, SoCs, Microcontrollers, FPGAs, networking techniques, and cognitive computing among others that support ultra-fast communication and data exchange. The trend is spanning across the embedded landscape including automotive, industrial automation, semiconductor, consumer electronics, avionics, energy, and healthcare domains.

While we talk about the explosive growth of embedded systems, we cannot ignore one significant factor that is fostering these advancements — Embedded Apps. Needless to say, embedded apps, with their advanced features as well as intuitive and user-friendly nature, are becoming key to any technological innovation in the modern era.Application Development for Embedded Systems

Importance of Drones and UAVs in the Current Pandemic Situation


Drones, also known as UAVs, are unmanned aircraft with no on-board crew or passengers in them. They are pilotless vehicles that can either be remotely controlled or are pre-programmed for a specific mission (initially used for military purposes). Unmanned aircrafts systems predominantly include the unmanned aerial vehicle, a remote controller, and a system of communications between them. Drones and UAVs were initially designed to fly for a long time at a controlled level of speed and height. 

Now, they come in various sizes and serve a multitude of purposes. Some Drones and UAVs are autonomous, while some are remote-controlled. Some are short flight drones while some are large, and can operate for a couple of hours. They are designed for low flying or are capable of scaling greater heights.