Measure Your Test Automation Maturity

I'm a Developer Advocate and one of the things I love most about my role is that I travel all of over the world — meeting and consulting with engineering teams, and discussing the challenges that they face.

One thing that I've realized about building quality software is...the struggle is real!

Tips for Healthy Page Object Classes

The most popular design pattern used in web UI test codebases is the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern. This pattern suggests modeling a class to represent a single page of your system under test. Using this model, the class would contain properties that represent the elements of the UI page and methods that interact with these elements.

Given this is the Login Page of our application, let’s discuss tips for building a class using POM.

Testing in CI

This article is featured in the new DZone Guide to DevOps: Implementing Cultural Change. Get your free copy for insightful articles, industry stats, and more!

Automated tests are a key component of continuous integration (CI) pipelines. They provide confidence that with newly added check-ins, the build will still work as expected. In some cases, the automated tests have the additional role of gating deployments upon failure.